St. Aidan’s displays Black Lives Matter sign

St. Aidan’s is in London Ontario in the Diocese of Huron. Its rector is Rev. Kevin George.

The organisation, Black Lives Matter which Kevin George is keen to advertise, declares on its website that it is dedicated to overturning the nuclear family, dismantling cisgender privilege, dismantling the patriarchy, fostering a queer‐affirming network and uplifting Black trans folk. Among other things.

The founders of BLM, Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Alicia Garza were accused recently of not having an ideological framework. They have hastened to assure us that they do: they are Marxists. They want to overturn capitalism and Western civilisation.

As you can see, this fits in nicely with the agenda of the Anglican Church of Canada.

So as to leave no doubt about his political bias, the rector of St. Aidan’s, Rev. Kevin George has a twitter feed on which he displays things like this:

And this:

If he had said similar things about Justin Trudeau, would he still be employed by the Diocese of Huron?

8 thoughts on “St. Aidan’s displays Black Lives Matter sign

  1. Is this man an American? Can he vote in US elections? If he isn’t/can’t, the choice of another country’s leader is none of his business. Besides, we Christians are enjoined to pray for our leaders and not to denigrate them in public. 1Timothy 2:1.

  2. I am 85 years of age and reside in Abbotsford, B.C. and with some hesitancy I feel compelled to send this message to all of you concerning the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis. From my checking the information on the television and news I strongly believe the issues have been seriously perverted by special interest groups the result of which is promoting disrespect and anarchy.
    The facts as I have noted appears to be that George Floyd encountered officers and clearly from the reported action he refused any direction from the officer(s) which resulted in his being restrained. While it does appear the actions of the officers may have been more severe than required, such action would not have been taken if George Floyd had followed simple instructions. He has been called a gentle giant but the facts would strongly suggest this was not the case in this incident. His race may have had something to do with this but I see no evidence of this. Had he followed the simple directions of the officer there would have been no problem.
    The reaction by some in our society – namely the Black Lives Matter movement and others – seems to be totally political and designed to destroy any stability within our society as they want to have a society with no law enforcement personnel. This is proven by the actions of some to paint murals on properties they do not own and seeking to take down and destroy the monuments of our past ancestors that have made significant contributions to our society. Nothing is mentioned by any of them with respect to the duty of society to respect law enforcement. In fact they are out to destroy anything that does not fit in with what they want to do.
    I strongly believe that our society needs good law enforcement and the situation in our society substantiates this. Our government leaders in both Canada and the United States need to support our police officers and agencies. This does not mean that mistakes are not made – nothing in this world is perfect – but our police officers are worthy of respect.
    As citizens we look for honest and sincere governments from our elected officials and this includes standing up for what is right regardless of the political reactions. I appreciate this is an issue that could have political consequences but I strongly believe our government leaders need to take a stand for what is right while taking responsible action when same is required. This includes taking action against those who will use any incident as an excuse to violate existing laws or destroying or painting signs of any kind on public or private properties.
    Our prayers are with all in government and/or law enforcement agencies.

  3. Recently, I came across an article about racism in Chicago’s famous Moody Bible Institute (Christianity Today, June 17, 2020). Decades-old photos depicting white students in blackface in Moody’s yearbooks (1974 and 1984) have led the Institute’s leaders to issue an apology and pledge to carefully examine racism in its history and current ministry. I was really surprised that nothing happened when those photos first appeared in 1974 and 1984.

    It seems to me that the world is still divided on the issue of racism. A good leader will unite his or her country, not dividing it. Can we find him or her in our midst? Of course, racism is not the only issue in town. People of the same race can still treat their own people unfairly or violently because of other factors. Problems remain as long as some people believe that they are better than others because of their beauty, intelligence, wealth, religious or political influence, etc.

    • Not a very practical suggestion considering the current circumstances.

      You are welcome to explain here, though, what makes knowing that “Donald Trump is full of shit”, as you so eloquently put it, the hallmark of a “decent Christian”.

      Does your entire congregation know that Donald Trump is full of shit? If you have a congregant who doesn’t know that Donald Trump is full of shit, have you informed him that he is not a decent Christian? I don’t know Donald Trump is full of shit so, Rev’d Canon Dr. Kevin George, does that make me a non-decent Christian?

      Is that how you do evangelism at St. Aidan’s?

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