Queerly beloved Anglicans

As night follows day, so the Vancouver Pride Bacchanalia follows that of Toronto. Why Anglicans have become so devoted to it is beyond me; but they have. Instead of staid strawberry socials, we have Cathedral breakfasts celebrating “diverse sexualities and gender identities”.

I’m tempted to conclude that this infusion of homoerotic sexual obsession is demonic, a ploy of principalities and powers that seeks to pollute this world until Christ’s return. But it is so lacking in subtlety that it’s hard to believe that our Enemy would try something so ambitiously crass. Unless, that is, he has concluded that his victims have lost all common sense, all instinctive understanding of what is right and what is wrong.

From here:

Christ Church Cathedral provided the springboard for local Anglicans to become involved in the Pride festival on Sunday, and get involved we did!

In tandem with Dean Peter Elliott, Cathedral parishioner Peter DeGroot organized this year’s Anglican entry in the Pride Parade and made it known that marchers from other parishes were welcome to join in. Peter DeGroot was also the server and leader of prayers at the Cathedral’s 8am Pride Service; the Feast of the Transfiguration (transferred) was celebrated, with Dean Elliott presiding and the Rev. Alisdair Smith preaching. The service began with the rainbow candelabra being lit on the altar as we offered prayers of thanks for all God’s beloved children and lamentations for the harms experienced by people of diverse sexualities and gender identitities [sic – a Freudian slip if ever I saw one].

The service was followed by an excellent breakfast supplied by Cathedral volunteers and a sign-making session in the parish hall, after which marchers found leisurely lunches in various places before gathering for the 1:30 “call time” on Robson Street. Our contingent of roughly 40 people was near the very end of the parade, and thus it was all the more amazing to witness the energy and enthusiasm with which we were greeted by people who had already been standing in the hot sun for hours. As a marcher, it was remarkable to witness the variety of ages and enthnicities in the crowd – Vancouver is truly a vibrant, multi-cultural oasis.

10 thoughts on “Queerly beloved Anglicans

  1. Well, looking like that few if any of those are likely to be NON-queerly married any time soon … I at any rate am not queued up to be ‘united’ with any!!!

    Seriously, this is the worship of Aphrodite not of J.C. No πορνεία is good πορνεία.

  2. Romans 1:28. “Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.”

  3. Perhaps I ought not to have written as I did above. These people are all badly deluded and disturbed. They deserve pity more than I allowed them.

    “From hardness of heart and contempt of thy Word and commandment
    Good Lord, deliver us.”

    • The people might well deserve pity but the APOSTATE clergy should be dismissed and defrocked as they no longer worship the GOD of the Scriptures but should be in the APOSTATE CHURCH OF CANADA.

  4. It is quite shocking and depressing to realize how many are devoted to these bizarre causes. Can a society survive these kinds of mass delusions or will it simply unravel and disintegrate? When we can no longer tell the difference between a man and a woman we are in very deep water.

  5. What really annoys me with these Pride parades is the collusion of the media. All we ever get is cheery photo-ops of people with rainbow flags and eccentric clothing.

    Never any images of the gruesome – and openly pornographic – sexual shenanigans of a good number of the, er, participating couples.

    • One reliable media outlet, Christian…under attack by ‘Apple’ for its Christian ‘intolerance’…is Lifesitenews. V. Jonathan Van Maren’s recent post about the real demographics on the issue of gay ‘marriage’, etc., in Canada:1 in 4 against; many of whom of non-white ethnic background; and non-Christian religions!
      ACC Dioceses of Arctic and Athabasca also support this claim.
      View Livestream, Sederunt 9, The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s June, 2019, General Assembly, and witness the same…Korean, Lebanese, Arabic, Taiwanese, etc, Christians:Protesting on Scriptural grounds
      the predominantly white heterodoxy, heresy, to apostasy under way in that denomination.
      As for CBC – a virtual extension of the Federal PMO;
      CTV and Global also slavish outlets of Cultural Marxism.

    • Yes, behaviour which if engaged in elsewhere in the city would get one arrested for gross indecency. But then Vancouver is a place where the Women’s Shelter gets defunded for not agreeing that men are women …

  6. This never seems to stop but goes on & on & on

    It doesn’t reach to a conclusion where it’s finally solved & then go onto the next thing

    But it stays in this same thing to with meeting after meeting after meeting

    I joined St John’s (Shaughnessy) Anglican in 1992 & I tire of rehearing this same theme over & over & over again it never seems to stop!

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