Partnered homosexual Anglican priest is head chaplain in Canada’s military

From here:

In his new job as head chaplain in the military, Brig.-Gen. John Fletcher will be overseeing the religious needs of Canada’s troops, shoring up what the Defence Department calls its chaplaincy’s “inclusive, welcoming culture.”

As an openly gay member of the military and Anglican priest for more than two decades, it’s an environment Fletcher has benefitted from firsthand.

His recent appointment is in sharp contrast to past military policy, which allowed discrimination against gays and lesbians. Fletcher said he came out not long after a landmark court decision struck down the rule in 1992, alleviating his fears about what could happen to his career if he did come out.

Fletcher acknowledges that some may find it odd, or even scandalous, that he is a career military man, a priest and homosexual.

“I equally understand that some people will be excited and encouraged by the openness of my own church, to allow me to exercise this ministry and certainly encouraged that I’m free to work within a Canadian military that simply doesn’t discriminate on (the basis of) these things,” he said.

What strikes me as odd about this article is not the presence of a homosexual Anglican priest – something whose shock value is now rather less than the increasingly rare instance of encountering a heterosexual Anglican priest – but that the Defence Department is busy cultivating a chaplaincy that emphasises an “inclusive, welcoming culture.”

I was labouring under the misapprehension that the job of the military was to train men to kill other men in defence of their country; the chaplain’s job, I thought, was to try and  prepare soldiers for a premature introduction to their Maker by encouraging them to get to know him beforehand.

This brief description of chaplains in action strikes me as more convincing than today’s  warm, mushy, welcoming culture of inclusion version:

I frequently noted in the field, how chaplains – to a man – sought out front line action. And I assume that was because, as one put it, at the time: ‘There is where the fighting man needs God most – and that’s where some of them know him for the first time. – U.S.M.C. Commandant A.A. Vandegrift, 1945

11 thoughts on “Partnered homosexual Anglican priest is head chaplain in Canada’s military

  1. He mentions “openness”. But this from a man who knowingly hid his sexual perversion in order to protect his career! He “came out” only after it was “safe” for his career.

    And this man is supposed to have integrity!!!!

    What morals is he likely to encourage amongst our military personal? To lie and say whatever it takes to protect yourself and your career. Because, after all, that is exactly what he did.

  2. Once again people it is a systemic problem. The ACoC is the Canadian church; it is a homosexual church, so it follows that the government and Hiltz would appoint a homosexual Chief chaplain…

    The comments on his deception are bang on: and today there are still many Anglican homosexual priests lurking in the closet. The whole so-called church is one big fraud. It has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity!

    If Fletcher gets one more pay rise from the tax trough he can sing:

    In fact, when I know what is meant by “mamelon” and “ravelin”,
    When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a Javelin,
    When such affairs as sorties and surprises I’m more wary at,
    And when I know precisely what is meant by “commissariat”
    When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,
    When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery
    In short, when I’ve a smattering of elemental strategy
    You’ll say a better Major-General has never gave a homily.

    For my military knowledge, though I’m plucky and adventury,
    Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;
    But still, in matters gay and homosexual,
    I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

  3. When are the ACoC and other claimed Christian churches going to recognize that being a homosexual or a lesbian is NOT an identity but an activity – an activity that is totally condemned by Scripture and denounces and rejects that authority. For those of us to see this fact we are condemned as being hateful or similar. The fact is that we are not hateful but pray earnestly for the conversion and repentance of those involved.
    If the ACoC properly followed the edict of Scripture clergy involved in homosexual relationships would be defrocked and should be.

    • Frank, if the ACoC defrocked all GLBT clergy, there would be no ACoC, just a few bewildered liberal priests wandering in no mans land and wondering who was going to pay their salaries.

      BTW, you may as well stop boring God with the same old prayer, because there has been no conversion and repentance in human history and there never will be. Identity or activity, they are here to stay, and while most of you slumbered in the pews they quietly stole your church.

      There is a hill in Andalucia known as the ‘hill of sighs/tears’ where a moorish king looked back at Al Andaluz after the reconquest. His mother asked him, “Why are you crying like a boy for that which you could not keep as a man? Sounds like the ANiC to me…

  4. You might well be right in stating there would no longer be an ACoC but your comment strongly suggests you agree with the position the ACoC has taken.
    The Old Testament has many references to repentance on the part of the Israelites. Further your claim that there has never been a conversion or repentance in human history may well be true in our so-called modern thinking. That is tragic and unless there is a change in our allegiance from what is called “political correctness” – a deceptive term in itself – there will be a continued decline in worship of our Lord. Everyone will simply do what is right in his own eyes without any reference to Scripture.
    Fortunately we are seeing real growth in the ANIC and we definitely are not “crying like a boy” but rather pray for the conversion and repentance of apostate leaders within the ACoC, the TEC and the Anglican Communion as a whole.

  5. Frank, your reply ‘strongly suggests’ that you are part of the rabid right of Christianity.

    Not that it is any of your business, I am a Catholic [these days without communion with Rome], unfortunately the Roman Catholic Church under Wojtyla and Ratzinger lost my respect and allegiance.

    Scriptural interpretation is akin to a stroll through a minefield and throughout Christianity there have been and remain different and sometimes opposing scholarly interpretations. Remember, a prominent Pagan, selected the original ‘closed canon’ of some 27 books.

    The ANiC is visibly obsessed obsessed with the issue of homosexuality. I do not know your age Frank, but where were you while Hiltz, Ingam, Elliott Bird et all highjacked the ACoC? It was totally obvious what was going on back in the seventies. The rise of Hitler’s third Reich was cloaked in mystery and obscurity by comparison…

    Please publish your statistical evidence of ‘real growth’ in the ANiC and be kind enough to break it down into two sections: 1] Schismatic Anglicans from the ACoC and 2] new adherents. Many of us in the Christian community would be genuinely interested.

  6. ANIC is not obsessed with homosexuality but with the fact that ALL sin must be recognized as sin. Being a homosexual or a lesbian is NOT an identity but rather a behaviour just as adultery, shoplifting or any other sin. ANIC was born by the need to uphold the truth of Scripture. There is another issue that you should be aware of and that is the clear statement by Michael Ingham that Jesus is only “A WAY” and not “THE WAY” when he clearly states in his book that all religions lead to God. If that were the case then the Eucharist is nothing but a farce. The time has come for all those claiming to be Christian to return to the truth of the Gospel and the doctrines of the church. Tragically many within the church have no knowledge of the Thirty-nine Articles and have never been taught of their existance.
    As I have stated clearly we do not hate homosexuals as many would claim. We simply pray for their repentance and conversion.

    • I think that I understand you: Homosexuals and lesbians, adulterers and petty thieves are behavioral problems.

      If your wife commits adultery [heaven forbid!] do you pray for her repentance and conversion? C’mon, you run to your lawyer and file for divorce and that only because you cannot stone her to death without spending time in jail.

      My point is that so many of the rabid right focus on the sin of homosexuality, and as Jesus said, do not see the plank in their own eye!

      BTW. Don’t forget those statistics to back up your ANiCbrag.

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