Lutherans and Anglicans unite in disbelief

From here:

Lutheran-Anglican-Episcopal meeting a sign of hope for the church.
Lutheran, Anglican and Episcopal leaders from the United States and Canada met in December to explore new possibilities for working together and to deepen their sense of unity for doing God’s work in the world. In a report issued from their meeting, the leaders stated that their conversation and work together “are hopeful signs for the church.”

“There was truly a spirit of Advent expectant hope as we met to pray and plan for greater cooperation in ministry and mission,” said ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson of the meeting.

North American Anglican and Lutheran denominations have largely abandoned historic Christianity and, consequently, are spiralling rapidly into oblivion as their congregations flee the transparently bogus religion of inclusivity that is now marketed by both organisations.

Thus, in a last ditch effort to create an illusion of vitality, they have decided to join forces in a koinonia of the wishy-washy hoping, presumably, that by increasing the volume of lemmings hurtling off the cliff, the meaningless squealing of those yet to hit the water will be sustained a little longer.

One thought on “Lutherans and Anglicans unite in disbelief

  1. They’re not “fleeing”; they’re dying off. The average age in both groups is over 53 and rising. The number of children in both groups is at or below replacement level and they don’t keep most of the kids they do have. Their members have figured out that they don’t need religion to do “progressive” politics and both groups are middle class enough to not need a church to go to for company or for ethnic solidarity or for political polling. The right of center Missouri Synod is shrinking just as fast.

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