Linda Gibbons spends 3 months in jail on outdated injunction

Linda Gibbons, a 63 year old great grandmother has just spent three months in jail for silently protesting outside the Morgentaler abortion clinic. The arrest was for violating a court injunction designed to prevent her protest – except the injunction was invalid because it was out of date.

So while a harmless little old lady is illegally incarcerated for three months because she protested the killing of unborn babies, an assortment of degenerate yahoos are allowed to break numerous bye-laws by camping in a Toronto park to protest capitalism, all the while being enthusiastically cheered on by Church, union and batty journalists. That’s called social justice in this funny old world.

From here:

After three months in prison, Linda Gibbons was found not guilty on a charge of disobeying a court order and released from custody to the hugs of supporters in a downtown Toronto courtroom Friday afternoon. Justice Alphonse T. Lacavera determined Sheriff Peter Krause improperly read the text of an outdated injunction when he directed that she be arrested outside the Morgentaler Clinic (known corporately as “Lexogest Inc.”) abortion site this past August 4.

6 thoughts on “Linda Gibbons spends 3 months in jail on outdated injunction

  1. Could this be true? A court ruling on abortion that actually sides with the Pro-Life side! Do I dare to have any hope that things might perhaps possibly be changing?

  2. David,
    Real kicker is that according to biography published by Wilkipiedia Henry Morgentaler has only three years of medical studies to his name see:

    You might want to dwell into it.
    Just imagine; pseudo-medical fraud with only three years of medical school to his name singlehandedly overturned Canadian abortion laws and by his own admission performed over 100000 of abortions on Canadian women.
    If this is not scandal I do not know what scandal is.

  3. David,

    Have a look at the Dec. 29 Globe and Mail article (though I usually do not read the G&M) entitled, “Raising Four Kids in a Two-Kid World”. The mother/author Robin Small mentions being mocked and lectured at for having had four children, as opposed to fewer. Goodness, wasn’t it only a generation or so ago that a four-child family was pretty average? But the real interesting issue here is that so many folks today feel they have the unquestioned right to go up to her and shove their unsolicited left-wing opinions down her throat. These are the same type of people, please note, who scream long and loud about the much-vaunted “woman’s choice” to do what she pleases with her body, in terms of childbearing. What they mean is, obviously, in terms of abortion. As far as childbearing goes, they would would be most happy to take away all right of choice. Very interesting, isn’t it? As I always knew, it is not about a woman’s choice, but about acquiescing to the new tyrannical class and their ideologies.

    As far as Henry Morgentaler goes, he seems to have been trained as a General Practitioner only, as far as I can see. How did he end up doing surgeries, of any sort? Another fact about him is that he was a survivor of concentration camps of the Holocaust; now if that isn’t a sad irony……

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