Bishops at Lambeth sign statement affirming and celebrating LGBT+ people

Here it is. You can read the whole PDF here:

August 2nd 2022
“So then, you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.” – Ephesians 2:19
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” – John 13:34
God is Love! This love revealed by Jesus, described in the Scriptures and proclaimed by the Church, is Good News for all – without exception. That is why we believe that LGBT+ people are a precious part of God’s creation – for each of us is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14), and all are equally loved.
We recognise that many LGBT+ people have historically been wounded by the Church and particularly hurt by the events of the last few weeks. We wish to affirm the holiness of their love wherever it is found in committed relationships.
We therefore commit to working with our siblings across the Communion to listen to their stories and understand their contexts, which vary greatly. However, we will never shy away from tackling discrimination and prejudice against those of differing sexualities and gender identities.
Together, we will speak healing and hope to our broken world and look forward to the day when all may feel truly welcomed, valued and affirmed.
Signed by bishops from across the Anglican Communion including:
Most Revd Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church
Most Revd Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States
Most Revd Naudal Alves Gomes, Archbishop of Brazil
Most Revd Linda Nicholls, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada
Most Revd Andy Johns, Archbishop of Wales
and, as of 1640 BST on August 4th 2022, these additional 170 bishops/archbishops

Most Canadian bishops signed it:

8 thoughts on “Bishops at Lambeth sign statement affirming and celebrating LGBT+ people

    • They are not lunatics, but they are seriously misguided and misguiding others. Many of these individuals are highly educated and intelligent, so there must be a degree of disingenuousness to the way they are twisting language and conflating issues. The time has come for those who wish to have a faithful witness to the gospel to break from those who are wholly opposed to the message of repentance and true reconcilation with God.

      • Appealing to their elevated degree of assumed intelligence and education, since they actually summon Holy Scripture in their obdurate defense of sin, may we suggest Karl Barth’s, ‘The Epistle to The Romans’, trans. Edwyn C. Hoskyns in 1933 (Hitler’s Advent of “Night” year), Oxford University Press, with express reference to chapter one ” ‘professing themselves to be wise…they exchanged the Truth of GOD for a lie…
        wherefore GOD gave them up to a reprobate mind’…
        Everything becomes Libido: life becomes totally
        erotic. When the frontier between GOD and man ,
        the last inexorable and insuperable obstacle,
        is not closed, the barrier between what is normal and what is perverse is opened.”

        • Now with re-militarized Germany officially endorsing transexual policies, inclusive of children, and the incumbent Canadian Regime its own `Night` culture of death in its unrelenting assault on life from natural conception to ènhanced medical murder (MAID) inclusive of minors in March, 2023, what a meeting of green `minds is unfolding:
          really, Pink, as in Dr. Rick
          Shier`s 2015 dire warning,
          `The Pink Swastika:Hijacking
          The Holocaust“.

          • August 29, 2022,
            Libido Liberals match with $100 million while dismissing their
            Pink anti-Racism Tsar for anti-Semitism: for now.

  1. Just a group of so-called bishops that are nothing less than apostates. With that type of leadership the Anglican Communion will definitely disintegrate with only the true bishops surviving.

  2. Extrapolating from a recent article by Dr. David Goodhew, it is probably safe to say that the American and Canadian bishops signing this document have less than 2% (and declining) of the active Anglicans in the World in their dioceses. While I am acutely aware of their theological deficit, there also appears to be significant cognitive dissonance in this group. I am once again reminded of Paul’s exhortation to the Romans in16:17 (ESV), ‘I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.’ Amen.

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