Justin Welby worries about post pestilence inequality

He’s right to, of course. Once Corona virus infections have subsided, some people will be dead and others alive. It doesn’t get much more inequitable than that.

Even worse, some who are dead will find themselves in paradise and some in a place where global warming has reached a diabolical crescendo.

Neither of these are important enough to concern Justin Welby, though. He is concentrating on what matters most: money, who has it and who doesn’t. And no wonder! The archbishop of Canterbury lives at Lambeth Palace: the clue to what that looks like can be found in the second word. Here it is, a modest little place for the main Anglican representative of the religion started by the fellow reputed to have said, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Which goes to show that in a post-pestilence Welbyian utopia, some archbishops would be more equal than others.

From here:

The archbishop of Canterbury has said inequalities must be addressed or even eliminated once the current “pestilence” is over.

Speaking on Easter Sunday on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, Justin Welby said there was a “huge, huge danger” of the coronavirus pandemic exacerbating inequality, but “that is our choice as a nation and as a world”.

He added: “The next wave coming is the economic one … We have a choice there as a nation and as a society and as a world. Do we take hold of our destiny and make sure the differences are mitigated, abolished where possible – or do we just let things happen, do we let the market rule, in which case there will be enormous suffering.”

3 thoughts on “Justin Welby worries about post pestilence inequality

  1. Actually, I think there will be “enormous suffering” if the market does not rule – because all the special interests can continue to fix the market in there favour!

  2. By placing the authority of the civil government over the clear teaching of Scripture Justin Welby has no real concern for the Church of Our Lord and Saviour. Tragically many within the Anglican Communion have fallen into this deception as proven by the many so-called bishops accepting and approving actions that are cleanly contrary to the Scriptures. The Anglican Communion needs to return to the authority of THE WORD and stand up against the civil governments when they approve actions that denounce THE WORD.

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