How to write LGBTQ hymns

If you’ve always wanted to do that, Dr. Lydia Pedersen will teach you how in her workshop on hymn writing. If, like me, you think having a root canal without freezing is more appealing, read no further:

Dr. Lydia Pedersen, a United Church member and a church musician for more than 50 years, is offering a workshop on  hymn writing. Anyone can attend and no experience is necessary.

“Most people think that writing a hymn is a terribly esoteric thing to do and only clergy ever think of doing it, but I want to debunk that myth by showing that regular people can do it, too,” she says.

Ms. Pedersen, who teaches hymn writing to seminary students at Emmanuel College in Toronto, says people want to write hymns for all sorts of different reasons. Some simply want to express their love of God, while others want to mark special occasions or use language and imagery that are more relevant to their context.

“Things are changing in society,” she explains. “We need hymns for the LGBTQ community. We need hymns about the ecological crisis. Things that we didn’t worry about thirty years ago have become crucial issues, and people need to sing about them in church.”

One thought on “How to write LGBTQ hymns

  1. October 31, 1517 + 2019
    “Music is a fair and lovely gift of GOD which has often wakened and moved me to the joy of Preaching. I have not use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift from GOD. Music drives away the Devil, and makes people gay; they forget all wrath, unchastity, arrogance and the like. Next to theology I give to music the highest place and the greatest honour. Experience proves that next to The WORD of GOD only music deserves to be extolled as the mistress and governess of the feelings of the human heart.” + The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther
    “On Christmas Eve, 1538, Dr. Martin Luther was very jocund. All his words, and songs and thoughts were of The Incarnation of our LORD…’Oh, we poor men, that we should be so cold and indifferent to this great joy which has been given to us.
    This indeed is the Greatest Gift, which far excels all else that GOD has created.
    And we believe so feebly, even though the angels proclaim and preach and sing, and their song is fair, and sums up the whole Christian religion, for “Glory to GOD in The Highest” is the very heart of worship.
    This they wish for us and bring to us in CHRIST. For the world, since Adam’s Fall, knows neither GOD, nor His creatures.
    Oh, what fine, fair, happy thoughts man would have had were he not fallen! How he would have meditated upon GOD in all creatures…Adam and his children would have gloried in all this, but now since the pitiable Fall, The Creator is dishonoured and reviled. That is why the dear angels once more summon men to faith in CHRIST and to love that they may give to GOD Alone the honour and may dwell in this life in peace with GOD and one another.’ ”
    Student quoting Dr. Martin Luther

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