Homosexuality and the yuck factor

From here:

Several students at a Hartford high school expressed horror and left the auditorium when two male members of a city-funded school play shared a passionate kiss onstage on Friday. School officials said they opted against informing parents about the event ahead of time, saying that the students needed exposure to homosexuality, and hailed the “chaotic” reaction as a victory for raising the gay issue.

It seems that quite a few students walked out in disgust. The disgust was almost certainly an instinctive rather than cerebral reaction. Is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so. If we are designed for male-female sex, it isn’t particularly surprising that we are also designed to react with repugnance at deviations from that norm.

What is particularly satisfying is that the repugnance remains in spite of the exertions of pietistic liberal social engineers to eradicate it.

2 thoughts on “Homosexuality and the yuck factor

  1. If your analysis is correct, roughly the same number of students should have walked out if two females had exchanged a kiss. I’m willing to wager that such would not have been the case. There is more going on than your simplistic “yuck factor” assessment accounts for.

  2. Somewhat surprised that those who walked out have not now been singled out for “re-education” so that the next time they see to males kissing they will stand up and applaud. Also surprised that their action has not been described as some sort of “intolerance” or “hate crime”.

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