God Rest You Queer and Questioning

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen as performed by the Proud Anglicans of Huron – with the words slightly altered.

I was shocked to notice the missed opportunity, however: “merry” remains unmolested, despite what surely must have been an overwhelming temptation to unburden the gentlemen of their heterosexuality and make them gay.

2 thoughts on “God Rest You Queer and Questioning

  1. Just further proof that the ACoC has abandoned any pretence of true Christianity as it continues to reinforce its doctrine of political expediency and rejects any and all authority of Scripture.

  2. The Primate’s Huron Carol

    Twas in the woke of wintertime
    The Primate’s choir said,
    to hand us all to you know who,
    the living and the dead,
    Oh tidings of Rainbow Joy,
    Oh tidings of Rainbow Joy!

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