Facebook doesn't have "Other" on its gender categories

This upsets some people.

From here:

Dear Mr Zuckerberg,

My name is Sunil Babu Pant. I am the founder and director of Blue Diamond Society, Nepal’s first LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex) rights organization.


In Nepal, we have been working with the government to improve this identity-based access to documentation and civic participation. The Government of Nepal is working to implement a third gender option, labeled “other,” on all official forms and registers.

I encourage you to do the same…..

What Sunil Babu Pant seems to be missing is that her (his? other?) LGBTI gender alphabet soup is also missing the “other” option. After all, perhaps there is some hitherto undiscovered mangled gender classification not covered by LGBTI.

Adding an “O” for Other would give us LITGOB; that has a euphonious ring to it.

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