Drag Queen Gospel Story Time

Drag Queen Story Time has become a popular activity in children’s libraries. Trendy parents like to send junior to the readings to be indoctrinated with the latest in gender fluidity propaganda.

Christ Church Deer Park, not to be outdone by the secular spectacle of men attempting to impersonate a bu ffarilla, celebrated Pride Week with a “Eucharist, followed by a drag show in the parish hall”.

Here is Carlotta Carlisle, drag queen, reading the Gospel during the Eucharist:

When not busy reading the Gospel in church, Carlotta likes to perform at Woody’s, a gay bar in Toronto:

From here, (page 9) where you can find more edifying and inspiring photos:

Christ Church, Deer Park’s Church on Tap community celebrates Pride month on June 14 with a Eucharist, followed by a drag show in the parish hall. Clockwise from top right: drag performer Carlotta Carlisle reads the gospel during the service.

One thought on “Drag Queen Gospel Story Time

  1. Labour Day, September 2, 2019, David Cooke, CitizenGo (petition online) is leading a public protest at CBC studios, 250, Front Street, Toronto, 12:30 – 2pm (Ontario time) to continue protesting the CBC documentary ‘Drag Kids’;
    ‘Criminal Betrayal of Children’, ‘No Kid Should Be A Drag Kid’, ‘CBC Promotes Paedophilia’ -the messages on Citigo protest placards.
    The petition delivered to CBC has not warranted any formal review, investigation, apology, or retraction by this public taxpayer-funded Corporation;instead, the documentary continues to be aired on podcast.
    The infamy of the unfolding USA-global Epstein case now has its criminal parallel in the Ontario school sex-‘education’ program: devised by a convicted pedophile under the aegis of the former Premier; and to have been “scrapped” by the Incumbent Premier.
    Will the Deer Park Drag Queens be there?

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