Diocese of Huron: special permission to conduct same-sex marriages no longer needed

The floodgates are open. Don’t all come at once.

From here:

Dear Clergy and People of the Diocese of Huron,
Ever since my ordination to the diaconate, and before, the Anglican Church in our Diocese has been on a journey to listen to the stories of members of the LGBTQ2+ communities. Many of us have come to understand that all persons are wholly made in the image of God. We have welcomed LGBTQ2+ persons into our parishes, they have become our deacons and priests and within the last year have been able to be married in churches that have been given permission to hold same-sex weddings. After thought and prayer, I have decided to remove the requirement that special permission be required by priests or parishes before a same-sex wedding can be held in a parish. All priests in the diocese may marry any two persons who meet the requirements found in our Marriage in the Church Guidelines which is available here.

I know that some of you will disagree with this decision. The Anglican church is a large tent of diverse theologies and the Diocese of Huron is no different. Priests have always been able to determine whether or not they are comfortable performing a particular wedding ceremony and this has not changed. I do ask that a priest who does not wish to do a same-sex wedding refer to the couple to another priest or to my office.

The marriage rite that I am authorizing for same-sex weddings and also for opposite-sex weddings is that from the Episcopal Church which may be found here. It has been slightly amended to ensure that the marriage laws of Ontario are being followed. As the marriage rites in the BCP and BAS are authorized by General Synod only for opposite-sex marriages, they may not be used for same-sex marriages

I pray that we may continue to reveal the love of God in all our relationships.

Yours in Christ,


2 thoughts on “Diocese of Huron: special permission to conduct same-sex marriages no longer needed

  1. Canada Day July 1, 2020 * Hong Kong, July 1, 2020
    “…to ensure that the marriage laws of Ontario are being followed”.
    It was Swiss Reformed Pastor and theologian, Emil Brunner (1889 + 1966) who, in his 1950 ‘Our Attitude as a Christian Church to Communism’ to an informal staff conference of The World Council of Churches diagnosed that while totalitarian Nazism had been the “omnicompetent state”, Communism, as its “logical perfection”, “lays claim to…body, soul and spirit”:
    thus, “control of all the means of education and control of opinion by the state;state monopoly of all the middle schools, universities, the press, books, wireless, cinemas and theatre, for the purpose of creating a new type of human being, i.e. the ‘Communist’ type – the person whose actions are determined solely by state orthodoxy, and who can and will no longer think except on ‘orthodox’ lines”
    He also had diagnosed (‘Communism, Capitalism and Christianity’, 1949) that it is “a question of humanity which is denied by the Communist total state. Those who take up an attitude of apparent impartiality and superiority in relation to this opposition between East and West, and suppose that they must justify it on Christian grounds, do not observe how they are committing treason against the blessing which the peoples of the West owe to The Gospel of The Bible.”
    The anti-Scriptural Cultural Marxism of those Churches, as per Diocese of Huron, et al., the ACC Disrupted PCC LGBTQI ‘Prayer’ for July 1, 2020, that take their lawless lead from the Marxist ideology of The World Council of Churches confirms this diagnosis.
    The Wuhan virus has confirmed Canada’s own Communist diagnosis: now presenting in its Federal Regime that, on every symptom Brunner had listed, has lost and continues to lose the once Christian-based freedoms and liberty it secured in its WW II combat against Nazism.
    The total lack of any reference, in either the PM’s or the Governor General’s Canada Day addresses, to the doomed Canadian Citizens now victim to the CPP July
    1, 2020, ‘National Security” arrests under way in Hong Kong, or to the two hundred plus Canadians still unlawfully interned in PRC, is this compliant Regime’s shameful anti-Canadian Manifesto.
    When will + Psalm 72:8 be erased from The Peace Tower?

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