A Church celebrates Earth Hour by polluting the air

Parishioners of St. Cuthbert’s in Toronto celebrated Earth hour at their second annual Candlelight Meditation. Here they are:

I can’t help noticing that everyone is holding a paraffin wax candle. Paraffin, when ignited is a rich  source of numerous toxins:

Paraffin is a derivative of petroleum. When burned they release carcinogenic toxins such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein and soot into the air. The emissions from paraffin candles contain many of the same toxins produced by burning diesel fuel. It is like starting up a diesel engine inside you home!

St. Cuthbert’s, Toronto, polluting for Jesus.

9 thoughts on “A Church celebrates Earth Hour by polluting the air

    • Dan,

      Yes, very likely so, but you must admit that there is a delicious irony in a bunch of Anglicans demonstrating their ignorance on environmental issues by doing something environmentally harmful to protest “climate change”.

  1. I wouldn’t say it’s a “delicious” irony, humorous irony is more like it, but there is no need for anyone to call them hypocrites like one commenter has.

  2. As an aficionado of sarcasm, I stand with David in his savoring the “delicious irony” of the candle lit demonstration.
    It strikes me that it might also serve as a vigil for the ACoC.

  3. Seems to me that these “Anglicans” are worshipping “mother earth” instead of “God the Father”. With such misplaced devotion is it any wonder that their church is dying? Their time would have been better spent in Bible study.

  4. Is anyone going to give these people the benefit of the doubt?

    Is it possible to have Jesus and still care about the environment? Is it possible to have Jesus and still be ignorant about the content of the candles. Yup!

    Why automatically jump to conclusions about hypocrisy and mother earth worship? Surly not everyone in that church is apostate.

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