Children’s Aid Society encourages “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered” to foster children

From here.

But why are they at the end of the of the list: blatant discrimination.

The Christian, common-sense and scientific view that children are better off with with a mother and father rather than two fathers, two mothers or perverse mixtures thereof is obviously of limited interest to CAS, an organisation that appears to be more obsessed with obsequious political correctness than with caring for children.

4 thoughts on “Children’s Aid Society encourages “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered” to foster children

  1. Or maybe CAS genuinely cares to have children fostered/adopted out to people who can provide food, shelter, and love for them. A child can be raised in an amazing, loving family and turn out terrible. A child can be raised in a horrific, disfunctional family and turn out absolutely fine. 2 parents of the same gender are not going to produce a monster anymore than 2 parents of the opposite gender.

    I realize you believe that a man and woman can raise a child better than 2 people of the same gender, however shouldn’t you prefer that a child be adopted/fostered by a family/person who loves them and cares for them and can provide for them (regardless of the parents gender) rather than that child being bounced around a system?

  2. Lee,

    Sure… but there is irrefutable evidence that shows that children mature far better when then are exposed to households comprised of male and female role models.

  3. I would rather hedge my bets on a child in a “nuclear” family than anything else. Be it single-parent families or homosexualist ones

  4. My whole point in this is not about which type of family is better because that answer will always differ in the way the parents(same-sex/opposite-sex couples, or single parents) choose to raise them. However I’m saying I would rather a child have a single parent or same-sex coupled parents over no parent(s) at all.

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