Canada’s part in Christian Unity Week

From here:

Each year, churches in a different country are invited to prepare materials for worship, reflection and prayer during the week, including information about their country’s context. This is the third time in the 100-year history of the Week of Prayer that Canada has been selected as the country in focus. An ecumenical Canadian team prepared the 2014 materials that were reviewed by the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; the materials have now been distributed to national church councils around the world. The theme they chose was “Has Christ Been Divided?” from 1 Corinthians.

A touching article. The only problem with it is the photo that should have been used to illustrate the real state of Christian unity in Canada is this one: The Demolishing of St. Hilda’s. Before anyone rashly jumps to the wrong conclusion, I should point out that the Diocese of Niagara does have a heart: it thoughtfully ejected the congregation before knocking down their building.

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