Bishop of Montreal and same-sex marriage: today the diocese, tomorrow the world

VOL has an interesting article on the machinations underway to promote same-sex marriage in the Diocese of Montreal.

The author confirms that, lurking beneath the thin veneer of diocesan civility and impartiality, is a concerted determination to ram same-sex marriage down the throats of clergy and parishioners whether they like it or not.

To summarise: clergy who don’t support same-sex marriage have no future in the diocese (or in the rest of the ACoC for that matter); loyalty to your bishop supersedes loyalty to Christ; Anglican diversity is a hoax; Anglican preoccupation with homosexuality has reached the point where the diocese openly proclaims Christianity to be “queer”; diocesan youth are being indoctrinated with this nonsense; the bishop has delusions of grandeur; the second synod vote in 2019 on changing the marriage canon is meaningless.

Have I missed anything? Oh yes: the Diocese of Montreal is leading a charge into the abyss, with the rest of the ACoC panting queerly at its heels.

Read it all here:

Diocese of Montreal Bishop wants “Whole World” on board with Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage is a hotly debated issue in the Anglican Church of Canada. Especially now that the General Synod voted in favour of it in 2016 with the narrowest of margins and the advocates of same-sex marriage are getting ready to finalize the change of the marriage canon when the General Synod convenes again next year. Only if the changes are approved a second time will the marriage canon be changed.

Needless to say, the intervening period is marked by intense politicking. Most of the politicking is done by the advocates, as is demonstrated by the pervasiveness of those efforts in the Diocese of Montreal.

It is the position of Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson that she can’t wait “for the whole world to be on board with same-sex marriage” so she can and must act proactively. Her proactive approach is reflected on all levels. Of course, new priests to be ordained have to follow her lead on this because priests promise to be loyal to their bishops at the time of their ordination. Indeed, the Vicar-General of the said Diocese told me that opposition to same-sex marriage would be a “problem” with a view to ordination. He explained that, of course, the Diocese values diversity but implied that newly ordained priests cannot afford being diverse.

5 thoughts on “Bishop of Montreal and same-sex marriage: today the diocese, tomorrow the world

  1. Just another apostate within the ACoC – a so-called bishop that worships the “god of political expediency” and obviously believes her word is superior to THE WORD. She should do one of two things:-
    1. repent and return to the Gospel, or
    2. renounce her vows – something she has already done – and find employment elsewhere.

    It is no surprise to see how the ACoC is rapidly declining when you see the leadership turning their backs on THE WORD solely to gain the support of the world.

  2. Too late, Bishop Mary. A good part of the world is already not on board with same-sex “marriage”. Nice try, though, to imply that some day the whole world will accept this idiocy. Trying for a self-fulfilling prophecy, are you?

  3. “The world” you claim? Looks like another Communion has beat all concerned to it:
    “these homosexual networks, which are now widespread in many dioceses, seminaries, religious orders, etc.,…strangle innocent victims, and priestly vocations, and are strangling the entire Church”.
    Thus spake the former US Ambassador to the Vatican, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, whose “conscience dictates”, in a sworn 13 pp. affidavit on Saturday, August, 25, 2018, formally accusing the incumbent Pontifex Maximus (“Make bridges, not walls!” a la S.J. Father James Martin, bridge-builder, second in command).
    Take note, inter alia, all seminaries; not least the one located at Milton and U. Avenue which, after all, does sit under the shadow of The Cross.
    + in memoriam, former Principal, The Reverend Dr. Wm. Klempa, Presbyterian College. + Open Letter, May 11, 2016,
    ‘The Presbyterian Record’.

  4. Do I need to point out that Mary Irwin is not a Bishop as God does not have women in His Priesthood.
    It is such a sad thing to see these left wing social activists having hijacked a Church and turned it into a political lobby group. What is surprising is that these wanna-be politicians fail to see that they are devastating this Church and that the admiration they seek is the very thing they are destroying. Fewer and fewer people are listening to these social engineers and the buildings they have invaded are now mostly empty.

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