Bishop of Edmonton responds to same-sex marriage decision

Jane Alexander reacts to the recent house of bishops meeting where the bishops announced that the same-sex marriage motion to come before General Synod 2016 will not have the necessary support from the bishops to pass.

Alexander is another liberal, so her comments below are no surprise.

We still have no statements from any of the conservative bishops who have said they will vote against the motion. Are they all shy?

From here:

March 2, 2016
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have just returned to the diocese following a special meeting of the House of  Bishops and a meeting of the Provincial House of Bishops of Rupert’s Land prior to the consecration of William Cliff as Bishop of Brandon.
It is my hope that by now you will have had the opportunity to read the House of Bishops Statement ( as well as the report of the Commission on the Marriage Canon ‘This Holy Estate’ ( Canon REPORT 15Sept22.pdf).
As the 2016 meeting of General Synod draws nearer, there was an overwhelming feeling in the
House of Bishops that we should share with the Council of General Synod (CoGS) just where the Bishops are in their consideration of a change to the marriage canon. Our statement is our attempt to be honest about the position in which we find ourselves.
In this diocese, we have passed a motion that allows for the blessing of a civil marriage between two people regardless of gender. I fully stand by this decision of our synod, and feel that marriages between faithful Christians of the same gender can be seen as a sacrament and give glory to God. I apologize to those members of our community, LGBTQ and heterosexual, who have been hurt and confused by the Bishops issuing their statement. I want to tell you that it was not done with malice or in an attempt to stop us talking at General Synod. Rather, it was an effort to be open and honest about our conversations. We are often asked as a House of Bishops to comment on our discussions at our meetings, and this is our attempt to do so.
I will continue to try and do all in my power to be a symbol of unity in the Diocese of Edmonton, in the Anglican Church of Canada, and in the wider Anglican Communion. I am convinced that in the power of Jesus Christ we will find a way forward. I encourage all of us as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ to continue in prayer and fellowship and to seek the will of God. It is my deepest prayer that we may all be one as Jesus and the Father are one (John 17).
Yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander
Bishop of Edmonton


5 thoughts on “Bishop of Edmonton responds to same-sex marriage decision

  1. Just the voice of another apostate within the House of Bishops who is more than willing to worship the Baals of “political correctness” – a deceptive term in itself – rather than take a stand for our Lord and Saviour by accepting the full authority of Scripture. She might say “Yours in Christ” but that is clearly designed to mislead genuine Christians. To be a true Christian one must fully accept both the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Tragically many within the House of Bishops refuse to accept one or both of these conditions and, as such, should be removed from office..

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