Anglicans at the UN

Although it is reluctant to admit it, the Anglican Church no longer believes in hell. If there is no hell, no one needs to be saved from it so Anglican clergy have nothing to do: no mandate, no mission and, most worrying, no stipend! What is to be done?

Save the United Nations, that’s what:

A match made in heaven since the only organisation that is as lost as the United Nations is the Anglican Church – although since Anglicans don’t believe in hell, they can’t believe in its opposite, heaven, either.

5 thoughts on “Anglicans at the UN

  1. “although since Anglicans don’t believe in hell, they can’t believe in its opposite, heaven, either.” That’s not the way it works — asymmetrical federalism, or something…

  2. When Calvin’s Reformed Geneva envisioned the world for Christ by a global Alliance of the true Church, the present World Council of Churches and its daughter affiliates, now further represented in the Ecumenical UN Office, inclusive of WARC since 2010, and its mandate of “shared advocacy” and “call to action” was not indicated.
    “Ambassadors for Christ” and its unique “Ministry of reconciliation” + II Corinthians 5:17-21 cannot be Commintern-inspired activism for Christ.
    “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD!”. In maintaining this truth we do not place ourselves on the ground of any particular school, but on that of universal conscience and The WORD of GOD. Of all carnal support that religion can invoke, there is none more injurious to it than arms and diplomacy…Evangelical faith does not place on the throne of The Church either human reason or religious conscientiousness…the civil power, or the secular magistrate…priests, councils, doctors, or their traditions…It sets thereon Jesus Christ, the Great High-Priest of His people, the GOD-Man, Who, by an act of His free love, bore in our stead in His Atoning Sacrifice, the penalty of sin- Who has taken away the curse from our hands. and thus become The Creator of a new race.”
    J.H. Merle D’Aubigne, ‘History of The Reformation”, pp.631;675.

  3. God is not a member of the Liberal or Conservative Party. Politics has no solutions to problems in the world. Jesus is the solution. Come, Lord Jesus!

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