Anglican clowns and the menstrual cycle

Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonton has decided to make Christ visible through the arts, an endeavour I heartily endorse. Or I would if the church’s efforts bore even a passing resemblance to Christ or art. I’m not much given to optimism, so I didn’t anticipate anything resembling the Sistine Chapel or Bm Mass, but “Beatrice the clown” giving a “wild sex education lesson” manages to sink beneath my most pessimistic expectations.

From here:

The Cool Air Rentals Stage at Holy Trinity Anglican Church

It’s almost impossible to break down all of the elements in this comedic romp let alone write about them. But I can assure laughter was endless and it is worth visiting Beatrice the clown for her wild sex education lesson.

Raunchy at points and most definitely not for everyone, Beatrice delves into reproductive organs, the menstrual cycle and sexual intercourse in a way like never before. And that’s actually literal. In the hour-long show’s most hilarious segment, Beatrice (now an investigative reporter) goes undercover in a man’s body to get the full scoop on what fertilization is like and how long it can take.

8 thoughts on “Anglican clowns and the menstrual cycle

  1. Considering the fact that the ACoC has deliberately walked away from the authority of SCRIPTURE and readily accepts the thinking of so-called bishops but more correctly called APOSTATES nothing surprises me. I have to wonder when the laity will awaken to this fact and demand appropriate action to rid the church of these APOSTATES.

    • Hello Frank,
      Sadly, I think that virtually all of the Laity that would have done as you wonder have already left the AcoC. They have done one of three things. (1) Went the Anglican Church in North America, (2) went to another denomination, or (3) stopped attending Church. The few Faithful Christians that are still in the AcoC are now so small in numbers that do not have the influence to effect real repentance. The revisionists, as I sometimes call them, are now firmly in power and they would prefer see the AcoC die rather than return to real Christianity.

  2. I think this is an overreach. Is the church hosting this, or is it .merely. a rental of the church space to a theatre group? Church hosting- this is a new low. A Church rental- puts money ahead of ministry – as you note, there are theatrical stories that can present compelling gospel content, or at least non-offensive stuff.. church leaders failed to exercise discernment as to what happens at the church. Either way, it’s another sad bond between the church and the world.

    • The Fringe Festival is advertised on the church website as a “ministry”.

      This event itself is advertised on the church website:

      Is That How Clowns Keep You Up at Night? – Maximaliste Productions.
      Ms. Bea Haven is back and bringing her unique brand of sex-ed to the masses with her very own talk show! “A teacher able to make you sit up straight and often double over” (Jim Burke). Beatrice boldly covers everything and everyone left out of your standard sex-ed curriculum.
      Rating: Parental Guidance (14+)

      It’s hard to escape the conclusion that the church is hosting the event.

      In case that whets your appetite for more, here is another production, again taken directly from the church website:

      Daphne is divorcing, Shirl is secretive, Martha is mad and F**k You Tanya is in charge of remedial cashier training at Pennywise Family Grocery. A new comedy about female friendship by Trevor Schmidt for NextGen – the company that brought you the **** productions of Kingfisher Days and Clean Cut!
      Rating: Parental Guidance (14+)

  3. Rental Smental-St Matthias in West Edmonton (built in a small part by rentals by Conservative and Wild Rose parties for their meetings/social gatherings ) are now given the run around or completely denied – so Holy Trinity can EASILY deny rentals to inappropriate plays during the Fringe- but knowing Holy Trinity like I do- aint gonna happen-Holy Trinity is the poster church for depravity and out right Christian self loathing.

    • It is a blessing to see that in some churches Christ is really the KING which is true of the ANIC. Tragically the ACoC worships another god – the god of political expediency Worse still is the history of the ACoC in both legally evicting true Christians and worse still the legally stealing of properties paid for by true genuine Christians. History will show said properties will be sold off as the ACoC cannot possibly support them with their worship of the god of political expediency..

  4. I never thought I would live to see the day when an Anglican Church would host such an event. It is heartbreaking and beggars belief.

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