Anglican Church of Canada’s income spirals downwards

The Anglican Church of Canada receives 90% of its income from voluntary donations from dioceses. For the 10 years between 2007 and 2017, this income was quite stable. Since then it has been sinking rapidly:

This graph does not take into account the additional and inevitable loss of income due to the closure of all Canadian church buildings.

The solution, we are told, is not repentance and a change of direction, but more conversations:

In response to the financial presentation, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, told CoGS, “The reality is that we need a conversation…with the Council of General Synod, with the House of Bishops, with dioceses.” Citing, among other things, the trends of decreasing giving and attendance in Anglican churches, Nicholls added the conversation would require “transparency and frankness.”

It’s tempting to speculate on whether the ACoC will survive the year of the virus. I suspect some dioceses won’t.

5 thoughts on “Anglican Church of Canada’s income spirals downwards

  1. Good. Nicholls et al will soon be seen as caring only about preserving their own pensions. Once they make that explicit, as they will have to when fiscal choices start being made, more Anglicans will drop out.

  2. The ACoC has been very good at getting bigger donations from fewer donors, but I wonder if the drop in membership has finally caught up to them? Over the short to medium term, they will compensate with increased estate gifts (from an aging membership) and redeveloping or selling church property. They will have fewer churches located in larger urban areas with even fewer members, but will be reasonably endowed to support their church bureaucracy and whatever woke fad they’re chasing at the time.

  3. I wonder if this is adjusted for inflation?

    If not, a very rough estimate would be the relative value of proportional giving is down 40% over the past 20 years.

  4. It is not surprising to see the giving declining in the ACoC. Recent history shows they have abandoned the GOSPEL and now worship the “god of political expediency. Further they have used the civil courts to legally stolen properties paid for by true genuine Christians. The ACoC is no longer Christian regardless of how many claims they might make otherwise. True Christians should abandoned the ACoC and worship in an ANIC church as the ANIC does uphold the GOSPEL.

  5. As the doctrinal descent into the maelstrom of apostasy continues – even during The Plague – after Clerical pensions are self-a$$ured, the faithful dead will be left to fend for themselves:
    As in one unfolding case, no doubt to be repeated, Parish council appealing to the Town fathers for funds to help maintain the local Anglican cemetery; but the sacred premises of the Church itself now are open for the same sex ‘marriage’ business.
    What happened to all those donations, in memoriam and otherwise, given in good faith over time to be held in trust?

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