Anglican Church of Canada: Vision 2019

It seems to be disappearing more rapidly than I anticipated. The main page, which on December 15th yielded:

Now shows:

One can only assume that the Anglican Church of Canada has decided to bury the corpse before it begins to stink.

All is not lost, however: the Vision 2019 report lives on – for now.

Among my favourite sections is the timeline appendix where the plan for promoting the Five Marks of Mission can be found. The ambitious scheme suggests that by 2019:

“Most Anglicans know of the Marks, and half can name three.”

Very much like Moses and the 10 commandments. Moses presents his plan to God:

“In 10 years most Israelites will know of the commandments and half of them will be able to name 6”

One thought on “Anglican Church of Canada: Vision 2019

  1. Somebody probably told them the world was, according to the Mayans, ending Dec 21, 2012 and since they respect every other religion except their own, what’s the point of planning ahead?

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