Anglican Church of Canada has $1.55 million deficit for 2022

The deficit is due to market losses.

The Anglican Church used to be known as the conservative party at prayer, now it is the communist party at smudging.

The ACoC likes to waft an aroma of socialist egalitarianism heavenward in clouds of smudging fumes, but it still loves money and, even though it pretends to emulate the homeless man/God who had nowhere to lay his head, it just can’t stop loving money and the means of making more of it.

To that end, in 2021 it had $27,790,616 invested in Cash, Equities, Alternative Investments and Real Estate.

To paper a veneer of pious poverty over this, the Diocese of Toronto displays a statue of homeless Panhandler Jesus outside one of its churches. It makes Toronto’s homeless population feel so much better.

But back to the thing the ACoC isn’t interested in: money.

Last year’s global market decline left the church’s national office with a budget deficit of $1.55 million at the end of 2022. The treasurer explains more here. Do I see a tear in her eye?

Investment losses from last year’s global market decline left the church’s national office with a budget deficit of $1.55 million at the end of 2022, a financial statement released to General Synod shows.

The deficit occurred despite an operational surplus of $346,000. Total revenue for General Synod in 2022 was $9.75 million, down by more than $37,900 from the previous year. Expenses were $9.40 million, or $882,000 higher than last year.

In the financial management committee’s report to General Synod June 30, treasurer and CFO Amal Attia said investment losses, however, made “that surplus a deficit and that is as a result of the nosedive that the entire investment portfolio [took] for everybody.” Investment losses of $1.77 million and a $250,000 provision for potential legal settlements left the budget awash in red ink, despite more than $123,000 in undesignated legacies. Market losses from unrealized investments, Attia added, were “not anything in our control.”

Stock and other investment markets around the world experienced declines in 2022 due to a number of factors going back to the economic recession that followed the COVID-19 pandemic, which later resulted in soaring inflation and global supply chain problems. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 also cause.

One thought on “Anglican Church of Canada has $1.55 million deficit for 2022

  1. Found St John’s (Shaughnessy) in 1982 due to Tenant at 2025 W 50th & Maple; furthermore, A Regent College Student & played guitar at 1st Baptist Church on Burrard & Nelson, name was Greg McKitrick, said, “I’ve been to St John’s (Shaughnessy)…”, praised how it ran, gave it a try & stayed. Well, 1st raised at Canadian Memorial United on W15th & Burrard then to many other Churches as well too. Broadway Church on E Broadway & around Slocan was -packed with young people & the Bible seemed so alive as well. St John’s seemed like 1+1=2 a combo of both. However, Archbishop Hambidge said, “The Anglican Church -used to command a lot of respect…”, was before my time was born in 1960 when Church was still there but not as much as before. Also, an older caretaker said, “The Anglican Church used to be -the meanest of all Churches…”. Changes Of Evolution that seem continuous till even today. Starting with Henry the 8th, Martin Luther & John Cauvin too, these series of historical events making the Anglican Church into what it is now today.

    My saying, “Time will tell”.

    Which is does.

    But the Bible:

    ‘Taste & See That The Lord Is Good’.

    This is where one starts.

    Christian persons are imperfect humans have opened the Door That Jesus Knocked On.

    We have now both 2 Conflicting Natures within us now.

    Having Spiritually Grasped the above let us now observe as to what is what with the Anglican Church now.

    Be Christ-Like & Walk In & With Jesus but that’s also a choice that cannot be forced at all.

    We must tell the Good News is our Christian Duty.

    But as for the one who hears?:

    ‘Let Your Yes be Yes & Your No Be No’.

    Give the Good News & the person is free to decide only on the plate of the person we’ve told.

    But we’ve told & treated them well.

    The way we treat others is how we treat Jesus.

    We walk away treating Jesus well.

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