Anglican Church of Canada fined for unsafe work environment

From here:

The Sorrento Centre Anglican Church of Canada was fined $14,384 for allowing workers to be in an area where there was damaged and exposed asbestos without using adequate personal protective equipment or safe work procedures.

“The firm should first have ensured that all friable (easily crumbled) asbestos-containing materials were removed or enclosed so as to prevent the release of asbestos fibres,” reads a recently released WorkSafe B.C. report. “These designated high-risk violations may have exposed workers to asbestos, a known carcinogen.”

The church has filed a notice of appeal, but the Sorrento Centre representative dealing with the matter was out of the office and not available for comment Wednesday.

The ACoC has not yet been fined for exposing parishioners to an unsafe worship environment, something that happens almost every Sunday in most parishes. A good start would be to issue earplugs at the door to render the social justice sermon gibberish inaudible.

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