Anglican Church of Canada adds gender transition liturgies to prayer book

Up until 2021 they had been for trial use but now Synod has decided that they will be added to the Book of Alternative Services as official liturgies. You can find the complete versions here.

An included free bonus is a liturgy for those with “a newfound awareness of a
particular identity location on the gender spectrum”, but who have no taste for mutilating themselves.

I can’t help noticing that there is no liturgy for people who identify and are transitioning to Furries. Not very inclusive.

4 thoughts on “Anglican Church of Canada adds gender transition liturgies to prayer book

  1. When you turn from the truth and authority of Scripture just about anything goes. The ACoC has clearly chosed to not only pervert and reject the authority of Scripture but also accepts what is clear perversion while claiming to be Christian.

  2. The “transition” to be avoided at all Eternal costs is the of which the Apostle Paul gives a Triune warning in + Romans ch. 1: “a reprobate mind” whereby The LORD already has Judged the unrepentant so that in their ongoing rebellion they then believe that which is good is evil. This can also happen to Nations.

  3. If we are made in God’s image, then why transition out of this God-made image? Doing so is an abominable sin and should not be supported by prayer or action.Pray instead for the release of the Anglican Church from the chains that bind it to this corrupt world and the evil lies of Satan.

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