Anglican Bishops in a 3-way

On same sex-marriage, the ACoC bishops fall into one of the following categories: No, Yes and Maybe.

Fred Hiltz thinks – as does Justin Welby – that the three can co-exist, walk together to use Anglican jargon. They can’t for one simple reason: liberals will not stop promoting their same-sex marriage agenda – ever; not until they have their way.

Once again the “spirit” – not, I am quite sure, the Holy Spirit – is invoked to legitimise what for 2000 years the church has deemed illegitimate. How could this not be the spirit of the age?

Read it all here:

When it comes to allowing same-sex marriage, the bishops seem to be thinking “yes,” “no” and “maybe” in roughly equal proportions, Hiltz said. A number of bishops in the Canadian church also have a “holy desire” to consider alternatives to a simple yes-no vote on same-sex marriages, he said. Some have given considerable thought to other alternatives, and these are likely to be the main topic of conversation when the House of Bishops next meets in April, he added.

The article makes perfectly it clear, once again, that the main preoccupation of Western Anglican bishops is sex – just like everyone else. The comical thing about this is that the bishops genuinely seem to believe it will garner the world’s approval when all it does is heap well deserved derision on an institution that tries to do what everyone else does but ends up doing it with less panache.

5 thoughts on “Anglican Bishops in a 3-way

  1. ‘Yes, no and maybe’ betokens the spiraling purple spiritual acumen wholly outside The Spirit-breathed WORD of GOD most fully Revealed in The Revelation of Jesus Christ unto HIS Church:
    “The Spirit and The Bride” are indissoluble in the true Church.+ Ch. 22

  2. This is really breaking my heart how the bishops cannot grow a backbone and stand up for the Truth of the gospel and the Bible. What message does that send people in the pews if, in the end, we’re going to be paying lip service to what Jesus said about marriage? That means we have to pay lip service to everything he said.

  3. Same-sex marriages are legal now in Canada. At least one-third of the current Canadian Anglican bishops do not support this legal position at this time. They behave a little bit better than our conservative or liberal politicians.

  4. Just another reason for the apostate bishops and clergy within the ACoC and the TEC to learn the lesson from 1 Kings 18:21-39. Rather than leading their flock to the true God – notice the capital “G” – they are not only content but leading their flock to the Baals of our society – the small “g”. It is not a matter of liberals versus conservatives but one of apostasy versus orthodoxy. How long are the apostates going to dance around and cut themselves in an endeavour to get an answer from their “god” before they repent and turn back to the Lord?

  5. I seem to remember that when woman ordination was inflicted upon the Anglican church of Canada that accommodation for those opposed to it was going to be available. Basically if a Parish did not want a woman pretending to be a priest in their midst than they did not have to accept it. Now such accommodation is not even a memory. Same will happen with this idea about “blessing” sinful sex. So long as the snake is in the garden there shall be ruin. Time to stomp on that snake and KILL IT! Tell everyone that supports homosexual “marriages” that they are not listening to God but are instead listening to a sinful world. If they do not repent and get themselves back to God then they will be labelled heretics and anti-Christian. That we who remain Faithful to Jesus Christ will have nothing to do with them, EVER!

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