And God said, Let us make female, male, intersex, transgender, cisgender and non-binary in our image

The Anglican Church of Canada has developed a trial liturgy for “Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition”, to be used to bless the “gender transition process”.

Here is a sample to whet your appetite should you wish to transition after suddenly realising that your inner lady is not at peace with your beard and testicles:

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, and the plants, the trees, and the creatures of the land, sea, and air, God created a human being in their image and called them very good. What Scripture tells us about this first human’s gender is more poetic than clear cut – this first human embodiment included maleness,
femaleness, and more than these – all of this was affirmed as very good.

So, we know that all bodies are made in God’s image whether we recognize ourselves as female, male, or intersex; whether we are transgender, cisgender, or do not recognize ourselves in any of these labels. We are called by God both to care for and to be co-creators of all of
creation and that includes our bodies. Taking steps physically or spiritually to manifest our gender identity more fully is to participate in God’s commandment to tend and love all that God has made.

You can peruse the entire liturgy here.

7 thoughts on “And God said, Let us make female, male, intersex, transgender, cisgender and non-binary in our image

  1. “What Scripture tells us about this first human’s gender is more poetic than clear cut… ”

    The End is nigh. It must be.

  2. Funny, my Bible says, “From the very beginning He made them male and female,” – no more, no other – “and for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” (Pretty inflammatory language, eh?) How do they become one flesh? Children, of course. Only one man and one woman can accomplish that.

    • To be practical as well as biblical, the one-flesh union is brought about by sexual intercourse, the children if any are the tangible result. Same-sex physical relations are sterile because they are precisely not sexual.

  3. I’m still having to remind myself that a trans man is a woman and a trans woman is a man. Do I have that right? (I haven’t graduated to understanding cisgender yet.)

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