A Muslim who hates freedom of expression freely expresses himself

Anjem Choudary is an imam who lives in Britain; he collects £25,000 in welfare per year while despising the system and taxpayers who pay for his continuing vilification of all the West stands for.

He points out here, that the Charlie Hebdo murders were not only to be expected, they were a requirement of Islamic law. Living in a free democracy, Choudary is at liberty to say whatever he chooses, a right he would cheerfully deny those with whom he disagrees. If I were a Muslim – a common or garden moderate Muslim we keep hearing so much about – I would really, really want to shut him up. Moderate imams: convince me of your moderation by issuing a Choudary fatwa.

Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people’s desires.

Although Muslims may not agree about the idea of freedom of expression, even non-Muslims who espouse it say it comes with responsibilities. In an increasingly unstable and insecure world, the potential consequences of insulting the Messenger Muhammad are known to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Muslims consider the honor of the Prophet Muhammad to be dearer to them than that of their parents or even themselves. To defend it is considered to be an obligation upon them. The strict punishment if found guilty of this crime under sharia (Islamic law) is capital punishment implementable by an Islamic State. This is because the Messenger Muhammad said, “Whoever insults a Prophet kill him.”

13 thoughts on “A Muslim who hates freedom of expression freely expresses himself

  1. It has always been my belief that there are no peaceful Muslims. While there are many who will not actively participate in terrorist activities, they will all be content to sit on the sidelines and cheer those who do. The time has long since past for genuine democratic countries to reject any and all applications for immigration from Muslims. Further, those who have actively participated in what can only described as criminal and abhorrent behaviour should not be permitted to re-enter the country regardless of any citizenship they might claim.

    • Frank – how many Muslims do you know personally? Based on your comments, I suspect that you don’t actually know any on a personal level.

      • We have an imam in our strata and I happened to meet him at our mail box. His only comment on the incident was that they had mocked the prophet and said nothing as to whether he approved or decried the attack.

  2. I was actually going to say the same thing as Frank. These imams and Muslims go to show the Koran is an evil book. People accuse Christians of having a hate-filled Bible, well, the Koran seems to incite apoplectic fits among Muslims whenever someone pokes them with a stick.

  3. If Muslims were civilized, and if Islam was civil, the Muslims would find the slaughter of 12 unarmed artists in the name of Allah, to be more insulting to Allah and Mohammed than any cartoons.

  4. If there are no peaceful Muslims living in Canada, and if it is lawful to reject all applications for immigration to Canada from Muslims, perhaps we should make laws to deport all Muslims from Canada also. If Canada is considered as a God-fearing Christian nation, perhaps we should make laws to deport all non-Christians too. No doubt, some Muslims are not peace-loving persons. Likewise, some people of other religions are not peace-loving persons either. Don’t worry! The triune God who knows everything is the perfect Judge.

  5. Meanwhile, Jewish freedom of expression is losing ground everywhere:
    Paris’ Le Grand Synagogue closed today for the first time since the Collaborationist days of Vichy and its Nazi Grande Rafle, July,1940, abandoning all hope for Jewry who were trapped there awaiting deportation to Auschwitz (among them Alfred Dreyfus’ Grand-daughter!). Since 2013, 100,000 Jews have fled France.
    Dr.Shimon Samuels, Paris-based Director of Simon Wiesenthal Center,
    urges a more precise naming of the “disease” than the deluded cowardice of politicians and MSM is displaying.
    Europe’s recent national bids for a unilateral ‘Free Palestine’ militate against a free Paris, Stockholm, Dublin, London, Madrid, Lisbon………………………………….Strasbourg.

  6. Wtf???? A lie… A true muslim is not allowed to killmanyone only if he is defending his self,,.. The prophet mohamad was the best human in the world.. How can they insult him… This a big crime and terrorism. What aboutvthe muslim whobare being killed in palestine because of more lands?? What about muslims are killed in burma because they are muslims?? In africa?? In timor leste??

  7. So insulting the Prophet is terrorism. It’s OK for Hammas to launch thousands of rockets at Israel and Boka Harram can slaughter thousands of unbelievers in Nigeria. And ISIS can massacre everyone who doesn’t adhere to their narrow brand of Islam.
    Good talk.

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