11 thoughts on “Wishing all Muslims a Merry Christmas

  1. Jim – Agreed. Perhaps the only benefit I can seen from an influx of Muslims into North American and Europe is that while post-Christian society is busy aborting itself out of existence, they, at the very least, subscribe to a “pro-birth” mentality. Whether we like it or not, we are the masters of our own demise.

  2. Kate, my observation was a generalisation for sure. Were it not for a miscarriage, my wife and I would have four as well. However, across Canada alone, 100,000 pre-born children are aborted each year. In that last bastion of Christendom, the US, they too abort 1.4-million. I can’t fathom those sort of stats. Russia aborts two children for every live birth. Yet Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabai, Indonesia, and any other Islamic state allow 0 abortions (although I’m sure they have a handful of illegal ones). But as a matter of normative practice, Moslems in Moslem countries do not contenance abortion.

      • What type of Anglicans are you and your friends Kate? Nine kids is unbelievable – must be former ultramontaine French Canadians 🙂

        • Um – Church of the Messiah,Ottawa, ANiC. One of them is married to the pastor……

          It’s funny, I get comments about my ‘big’ family. It doesn’t seem big to me. I’d have been happy to have one or two more if it had been medically possible.

          • Bless you Kate and your wonderful family. My wife and I would have loved another as well. Our youngest is six and I miss the days when I was able to hold little babies in my arms. The sleepless nights, colic, diapers and afternoon naps seem like a faint memory. People are amazed that my wife and I are able to “cope” with three. It’s not big deal – they are a blessing and a joy.

  3. Not only are we “amongst the worst breeders in Canada”, we are also rather poor when it comes to passing along the Faith to our Children. Of my two siblings and myself I am the only one who attends an Anglican Church. My brother attends a Presbyterian Church, and my sister has horses.

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