Why is GM really on the verge of bankruptcy?

Because they spent so much money making this:

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It looks like something out of a James Bond film.

But the presidential seal on the side marks this hulking limo out as something not even the superspy will be able to get his hands on.

These are the first pictures of the new armoured limousine which will be used to ferry Barack Obama around.

Nicknamed “The Beast”, the Cadillac will make its debut on 20 January, as part of the inaugural parade.

“Although many of the vehicle’s security enhancements cannot be discussed, it is safe to say that this car’s security and coded communications systems make it the most technologically advanced protection vehicle in the world.”

Naturally, Obama has expressed his appreciation for this anti-green armoured pimp-mobile by firing Rick Wagoner. The rumour is Wagoner knew too much about the “security enhancements”, so they gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

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