What would happen if the Anglican Church of Canada says ‘no’ to the Covenant?

Astronomers would rejoice because it would provoke an event that last occurred in 1002 when the King of England, Ethelred the Unready, spent his wedding night in bed with his wife and his mother-in-law.

The cosmos would yawn.

If anyone doubts my assertion that it would be the most boring thing to happen in over 1000 years, I have proof: the Episcopal News Service is reporting on it:

The Anglican Church of Canada needs more clarity around what the “relational consequences” would be for not adopting the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant.

This is one of the key messages that Council of General Synod (CoGS) members said the church must convey when the 15th Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) meets in New Zealand Oct. 27-Nov. 7.

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