What is Wikileaks really about?


The familiar irony is that the medium used to disseminate the leaked information was invented by the military of the imperialists that these protestors seem intent on smashing. And it is now maintained by the commercial interests of the same imperialists.

To compound the irony, hackers mounting Denial of Service attacks against banks and governments in the name of free speech, by trying to bring down web sites, are actually doing their bit to suppress free speech.

The members of this particular coterie of twerps are the new Luddites: they won’t be happy until they have destroyed the underpinnings of the system that maintains the technology they love to play with. They still won’t be happy, though, because spoilt children that they are, they will have broken all their toys.

One thought on “What is Wikileaks really about?

  1. The Great Socialist Experiment only survives in some countries because dissent is suppressed. These flower children would quickly discover that the Party of the Proletariat has zero sense of humor and those who created it might find themselves assassinated at home with an ice pick, it has been known to happen.

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