What is the final taboo?

Prudery, of course. Former UK MP, Ann Widdecombe refused to present an award to the owner of a – nudge, wink – lingerie website owner.

The tut-tutting, how could you do such a judgemental thing, article is here:

Former MP Ann Widdecombe waltzed away from handing a lingerie website owner a business award claiming it was against her strict Catholic principles.

The Strictly Come Dancing star, 64, was presenting gongs at the Women of Worth Awards when winning entrepreneur Emily Bendell, 30, was called to the stage.

But Miss Widdecombe, a self-confessed virgin, said her saucy website www.BlueBella.com was against her religious principles – and handed the gong to another judge to present.

Oxford graduate Miss Bendell said: ‘As I walked down to the stage she must have said she didn’t want to give me the award and I noticed a kerfuffle as she handed it over.

‘It was a real surprise that it happened at an event that was meant to celebrate the success of women. It certainly took the shine out of the day for me.

‘Ann is a great proponent of women getting ahead by their own merits so I would have hoped that she would have recognised my achievements.’

Ann Widdecombe, as a self-confessed virgin, is in the most despised of society’s sub-cultures, whereas, the cool, sexually uninhibited Emily, on BlueBella.com, has achieved the pinnacle of pornography-chic by marketing the tasteful “suede flogger”, “sweetheart nipple tassels”, “pocket pinky love cuffs”, “supersex beginner’s bondage  tape double pack” and “supersex luxury stroker”. Perhaps one day Anne will see the light and acquire her own supersex luxury stroker.

As the article notes, the only way that you can now shock a person is to show some reluctance in endorsing their assorted sweetheart nipple tassels:

When Miss Bendell later asked what had happened she was shocked to hear that Miss Widdecombe had shunned her due to the nature of her business.

Personally, I find the supersex beginner’s bondage tape double pack very handy for extemporaneous repairs to my ageing MX-5’s soft-top.

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