We Con the World

From the Jerusalem Post:

The parody video “We Con the World,” which mocked the international media coverage of the Gaza-bound “aid” flotilla that was stopped by Israeli naval commandos, has been removed from YouTube, where it received over 3 million views since it went up on June 3.

In removing the video from on Friday, YouTube posted a comment citing copyright infringement concerns from Warren Chappel Music Inc., which owns the rights to the 1985 charity fundraiser song “We Are the World.”

Never mind, I happen to have my own copy:

[flv:https://anglicansamizdat.net/wordpress/videos/WeContheWorld.flv 480 360]

2 thoughts on “We Con the World

  1. Pingback: YouTube Caves to Jihad, Removes ‘We Con the World’ | eChurch Christian Blog

  2. Your right, this shouldn’t have been banned. This should have been watched and argued against.
    It suggests the activists went out of their way to attack soldiers and stir up trouble.
    Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head.
    The videos show civilians arming themselves with metal bars. They were never going to beat down the Israeli army with makeshift weaponry and I’m pretty sure those nine men had no intention of going out on a boat and getting shot at by the army.

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