Warsaw chat

Chatting with a Warsaw resident.

Me: Does anyone look back to the days of Communism with longing – does anyone miss those days?

Resident: Oh yes, some do. Those who are not political may miss the security of the Communist era.

Me: Security?

Resident: Yes, you didn’t have to worry about where to live, you were given a job and were paid even if you didn’t do it well; health care was free.

Me: Who would be the people who miss it?

Resident: Mainly people who don’t think. Also, for example, people in a small town where the factory closed after the fall of Communism: they would all have lost their jobs. So they say that things were better under Communism. But mainly people who don’t think.

Me: Do you think Communism will ever return to Poland?

Resident: – rolls eyes – I hope not.

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