Voting for abortion at Birth or Not

Pete and Alisha Arnold have a website where you can vote for Alisha to give birth to her baby or abort her.

You can vote and choose whether we abort or keep our unborn child. For the first time, your vote on the topic of abortion can make a difference.

It’s not clear whether this is a publicity stunt by a pair or cranks or whether they really intend to make a decision based on the vote. It is certain that they are a pair of cranks and should put the baby – assuming that they are actually having one –  up for adoption by people who know that a baby’s worth is intrinsic and not determined by a vote.

4 thoughts on “Voting for abortion at Birth or Not

  1. These people are sick. My wife and I have three children but would gladly have another. We’d be delighted to adopt their child.

  2. Pingback: Disbelief over couple’s poll to decide whether or not to abort their baby | eChurch Christian Blog

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