UK's Islam channel in trouble for advocating marital rape

From here:

A Muslim religious channel that allowed presenters to condone marital rape and call women who wear perfume in mosques ‘prostitutes’ has been censured by the TV watchdog.

In one programme, the host told viewers that it was ‘not strange’ and ‘not such a big problem’ for a man to force his wife to have sex.

A phone-in show in May 2008, in which a female caller asked if she had the right to hit a violent husband back, was deemed in breach of the code.

The presenter at one point stated: ‘In Islam we have no right to hit the woman in a way that damages her eye or damages her tooth or damages her face or makes her ugly.

Apparently none of this bothers Lauren Booth, Tony Blair’s sister-in-law and presenter on the Islam Channel: she recently converted to Islam. That she has a bit of a blind spot concerning the Islam Channel’s view of women goes without saying, since she chose to convert while visiting Iran  – one of the most violently misogynistic regimes in the world.

It’s not all bad news, though since the newly minted Muslim Booth has assured us that:

‘Now that I’m Muslim,’ I said, ‘I will never have my breasts out in public again.’

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