Toronto clergy to be sent for re-education

I almost feel sorry for them, poor dears. They’ve done their best to keep up with the latest fashions in wokeness, but developing theologies of the impossible – men can become women, two men can marry, a man who has become a woman can marry a woman who has become a man – was not enough. Not even incessant self-flagellation for the Anglican replacement for Original Sin – Original Racism – has been enough.

Bishop Jenny Andison is sending them to re-education camp because, well, she is infected with the sin of racism, so you must be too.

When you come out, you will be a better person for it. If you come out.

From here:

As a white woman of privilege, while I am aware that the sin of racism infects my own heart, I also acknowledge that I cannot fully under-stand the impact and effects of racism on my racialized brothers and sisters. This summer, as part of my own education, I am reading The Cross and the Lynching Tree by the late James H. Cone. If you haven’t read this seminal work, do.


Lament is not simply the shedding of tears but is crying out to our Heavenly Fa-ther in pain. It is prayer, at the invitation of God, to renew our confidence that in Jesus Christ all things are being made new and the Spirit of God is being poured out on all flesh. As the current Diversity Officer for the Diocese of Toronto, I am working closely with the Intercultural Committee to bring anti-racism and anti-bias training to our diocese this fall. This training will be man-datory for all clergy and leaders of diocesan committees.

5 thoughts on “Toronto clergy to be sent for re-education

  1. Well, I dunno, how would she fit me in, when I’m one-eighth solid pure-bred Silesian Jew? In the maternal line, no less? Or would she have to include me out?!!!

  2. Re-education is certainly what the Toronto clergy need. And to be re-educated by the Diversity Officer who is tight with the Intercultural Committee – it really doesn’t get any better than that!

  3. The mid-twentieth century human racial classification by American anthropologist Carleton S. Coon, divided humanity into five races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Capoid, Mongoloid, and Australoid. According to the Bible, there is only one race – the human race, not five different human races. We all come from Adam and Eve. However, within the human race is diversity in skin colour and other physical characteristics. It is possible that God created genetic racial differences based on where each racial group would eventually settle. God is the Creator. God can produce people of different skin tones. All humans are created by the same God, all created for the same purpose – to glorify Him. By the way, all our grandchildren are 75% white, happily living in Canada. Racism has no place in God’s world!

    • It is not really this simple, if you read the bible carefully. Adam and Eve are the “lawful heirs,” as it were, but there is nothing to say that God did not create anatomically modern primates outside of Eden, it just says that all the legal heirs of GOD descend through ADAM.

      In any case, “racism” is a communist neologism in the sense it is used to restrict private judgment. The Old Testament is thoroughly racist, and only if you adopt a universalist view of salvation, which is not Anglican, goes against the doctrine of election:

      “XVII. Of Predestination and Election.

      Predestination to Life is the everlasting purpose of God, whereby (before the foundations of the world were laid) he hath constantly decreed by his counsel secret to us, to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them by Christ to everlasting salvation, as vessels made to honour.”

      And this is out of mankind, that is, out of those consanguineous with Adam. There is no reason that God could not have, among the animals, created anatomically modern primates who have the “form of Adam” but lack the spirit. IMO this is the best answer to this ‘we are all descended from Adam.’ Inheritance is a spiritual thing, it is not something that we can see in the face. This would also explain why there are humans elsewhere—rather than having everyone descend from Adam through Noah, it is entirely possible that anatomically modern human primates existed prior to the flood and that Noah took them on the Ark.

      Really, tho, as I said, “racism” is a Marxist red-herring designed to inaugurate an era in which Government can redistribute things on the basis of Marxist doctrine. This is all well-established now that we have independent scholars looking into critical theory and Marxism. We are in a situation very similar to Weimar Germany…

  4. God is God. We are not God. We cannot save ourselves. God can certainly choose to elect some humans to eternal salvation, regardless of languages, or skin tones.

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