Thieves rob 4 churches in St. Thomas, Ont., target donation envelopes

From the Canadian Press:

ST. THOMAS, Ont. — Police say thieves broke into four churches in St. Thomas, Ont., during the nighttime hours on Christmas Day and into the weekend and it’s believed the burglaries are related.

In each case, the churches were entered through basement windows and the thieves searched for donation envelopes, broke into locked areas and ransacked offices.

As of December 29th, no bishops have been implicated.

4 thoughts on “Thieves rob 4 churches in St. Thomas, Ont., target donation envelopes

  1. “As of December 29th, no Bishops have been implicated.’

    You people are so sad…and you call yourselves Christians? Yes I know you’re joking, but why do you even have to say it??

    So sad.

  2. Brian,

    Sorry to sadden you with our humour.
    Sorry we don’t meet your standards for being Christian.
    Sorry we offend your gentle sensibilities.
    Perhaps you shouldn’t subject yourself to it.


  3. Brian (#2), you apparently dislike satire. Since one does not have to spend much time on this blog to realize that its owner values the the art of satire, it begs the question of why you read it in the first place? Satire isn’t enjoyed by everyone – which is fine – so Jim’s suggestion in #3 to not subject yourself to it seems reasonable. Why hang out with sad people?

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