The politically correct Apple

Although I use a PC, I like some of Apple’s gadgets – I have a 64Gb iPod touch that serves as an mp3 player and a PDA – because they exhibit an enviable flair for design and ease-of-use; unfortunately, when they break they are hard to fix because the price for ease-of-use is inaccessibility to the contraption’s inner workings. The really irritating thing about Apple, though, is its nauseating political correctness: type “wife” into an Apple word processor and it helpfully suggests using “spouse” instead.

And now we have this:

Apple may refuse to fix your computer if you’re a smoker.

It’s well known that Apple CEO Steve Jobs is a bit of a health nut, but this may be taking things too far.

If you’re a smoker and a Mac user, Apple may refuse to fix your computer.

Consumerist is reporting that two Apple customers from different parts of the United States have seen their Applecare warranty packages voided because the computers were used by smokers and contained tar and second hand smoke.

Apparently, Apple won’t let its technicians work on computers that come from smoking households due to risks associated with second hand smoke.

3 thoughts on “The politically correct Apple

  1. What Apple word processor are you using? My family have been Mac users for almost 20 years, and I’ve never seen the “suggestion” you mention.

    In any case, word processors allow users to turn off suggestions in the preferences.

  2. Bill Gates and Microsoft have done more than their share to promote PC causes, too. Still, if I were a smoker, I’d not want to buy Apple products anymore.

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