The obvious incest question

From here:

The attorney for David Epstein, a Colombia university professor charged with incest with his adult daughter, is defending sex between family members by appealing to homosexual “rights” as a precedent.

Epstein’s lawyer, Matthew Galluzzo, told ABC News that “It’s OK for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home. How is this so different? We have to figure out why some behavior is tolerated and some is not.”

“What goes on between consenting adults in private should not be legislated. That is not the proper domain of our law,” Galluzo told the Huffington Post, which publishes Epstein’s articles. “If we assume for a moment that both parties are consenting, then why are we prosecuting this?”

I would like to see one of the Anglican denominations that is advocating the legitimacy of same-sex marriage make a defence of why an incestuous relationship between consenting adults is not equally legitimate. I don’t expect to see it soon, though: since the ACoC and TEC have discarded Biblical injunctions against homosexual activity, any appeal to a similar prohibition against incest would be beyond the practiced sophistry of even the most senior bishops.

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