The most shocking 4-minute abortion debate you will ever see

From here:

CBR’s shocking, graphic video juxtaposed a soothing video produced by the Northland Family Planning Centers, a late-term abortion chain of 3 mills in Michigan, with the reality of abortion.

CBR’s video got such a huge initial response, CEO Gregg Cunningham decided to take some time to remaster it to grotesque perfection. CBR is calling this video “the most shocking 4-minute abortion debate you will ever see.” CBR may be right…

[flv: 700 500]

8 thoughts on “The most shocking 4-minute abortion debate you will ever see

  1. And if this was not bad enough, you know that that person was then disposed of as “medical waste”. Meaning that they ended up in a hazardous waste landfill.
    Merciful God, what do we need to do in order to end this evil?

  2. Actually, I did eventually watch it, and I have to wonder, why the abortionist would have permitted the film to be made. He must have realized the effect it would have.

  3. There should be a solemn funeral service held at each and every hazardous waste dump site every day then. Might attract some attention and make people aware?

    • Nearest Hazardous waste site that I know of is in the Sarnia area. Is anyone in that area willing to put up a large sign that informs people that this place is a “cemetary for aborted babies”? That might get some attention.

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