The Green Abortion

New Zealand’s Green Party wants to legalise abortion to “protect the right to end a pregnancy.”

Green fundamentalism, whether it comes from a political party or the church is similar in its diminishing of the uniqueness and importance of human life: the earth wasn’t made for Man, Man was made for the earth. So it’s not surprising, I suppose, that Greenies are obsessively protective of members of any endangered species as long as they are not humans still in the womb.

From here:

The Green Party has ratified a formal policy on abortion, making it the only party in Parliament to have one.

It would legislate to decriminalise abortion and protect the right to end a pregnancy.

Having an abortion in New Zealand is still a crime under the Crimes Act, unless a pregnant woman faces a danger to her life, physical or mental health.

3 thoughts on “The Green Abortion

  1. Greens Declare War on Women, Unborn and Disabled

    The Green Party has declared support for decriminalising abortion. This is bad news for women and their precious unborn. The decriminalising of abortion would mean that it would no longer be a crime to kill an unborn child. An abortion would be at the request of a woman for any reason or no reason. The Green Party was successful in a coalition government with Labour in Victoria and Tasmania in decriminalising abortion, which effectively means that an abortion is available on request for the full nine months of pregnancy.

    The first and only duty of government is to legislate for the protection of the right to life of all its members and not to preside over their destruction. The Green Party has now abdicated its duty to protect our unborn children, the weakest and most defenceless members of our human family and has now made itself unfit to be in government.

    Right to Life believes that many citizens will be repulsed by the Green’s adoption of a culture of death and will be apprehensive of voting for Labour in the belief that Labour could be enticed into supporting the Green’s sinister proposal. Right to Life requests that the Labour Party now makes a public commitment not to enter into any coalition agreement with the Greens to decriminalise the killing of the unborn.

    The Greens have declared war on women. There are 200 million women missing in the world because of sex selection abortions. The current abortion legislation protects women by making it unlawful to kill a child in the womb because it is not the desired sex. The Greens now want to legalise the killing of female children in the womb because they are not the desired sex, this is monstrous. Just how does the Green’s represent the best interest of women?

    The Greens have also made war against the disabled, decriminalisation would allow the killing of the disabled for the full nine months of pregnancy. The present legislation makes it a crime to kill a disabled child with Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida or some other disability after 20 weeks gestation. How then are the Greens promoting a society that supports and welcomes the disabled?

    The Greens have no respect for the conscience of doctors, who are opposed to the killing of the innocent.The Greens would legislate to force doctors who are opposed to the killing of the innocent to refer women seeking an abortion to another doctor who will facilitate the killing of the child. This would be an unacceptable tyranny. How then does the Greens respect the conscience of doctors committed to respecting the sanctity of life of every human being?

    The Greens pretend to promote choice as a right. There is no human right to kill another human being. The Greens pretend that abortion is a health service, it is not, it is the ultimate in child abuse. If the Greens are really concerned about the health and welfare of women and their babies, they will promote open adoption which is the loving option. The Greens should now be clearly seen as a serious threat to the lives of our unborn and the health and welfare of our women. They have lost the right to be in our Parliament. In the interest of the common good the Greens must not be allowed into government.

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