The fanciful delusions of the Anglican Church of Canada

From here:

Human sexuality statement produces historic moment in the life of the church

Archbishop Colin Johnson, Diocese of Toronto, presents resolution A115: Affirmation of Sexuality Discernment to General Synod.

Through conversations, “marked by grace, honesty and generosity towards one another,” members of General Synod 2010 affirmed on Thursday, June 10 a resolution (A115: Affirmation of Sexuality Discernment) encapsulating discussions that took place through the work of various commissions and committees over the last triennium and at General Synod 2010 on human sexuality.

The statement acknowledges that there is no one view, perspective or experience within the Anglican Church of Canada. “For some, even this statement represents a risk. For some the statement does not go nearly far enough,” states the document.

“The statement reflects to the best of its ability the work of this Synod,” said Archbishop Fred Hiltz. “It is a statement that has a range of views within it and acknowledges the reality within our church.”

“Historic moment”? How can a moment when absolutely nothing has changed possibly be historic? After 3 years of studies, reports, reflections and theological position papers, the conclusion was that the Anglican Church of Canada can’t agree on whether to bless same-sex unions or not. The final document that was agreed on acknowledges that, calls for more study, by implication permits dioceses that are performing SSBs to continue and talks about how wonderful “conversation” is.

An historic moment where nothing has changed in the ACoC’s monotonous descent into a toxic soup of omnisexual neurosis.

I was so pleased to be present at the historic moment.

3 thoughts on “The fanciful delusions of the Anglican Church of Canada

  1. It is too an historic moment, but probably one that ++Fred XIII will come to regret as his empire shrinks around him. Synod 2013 (if we are still here and the Mayans were wrong) will see more historic moments, presumably the last gasp of this dying breed of Anglicans as they crawl into bed with equally apostate Lutherans. I can see it now, Anglo-Lutheran Real Estate Company signs popping up all over the country.

  2. Ever hear these:
    Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
    Sh*t, or get off the pot.
    Jesus never backed down from making the tough decisions. So why is Hiltz? Is it possible that he knows what decisions he should be making but for whatever reasons can’t bring himself to actually doing any of them?

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