The Diocese of Niagara is Tweeting

The diocese has announced that:

[The] Niagara Diocese has “entered the 21st century and now have Twitter and Facebook accounts,”

Archdeacon Michael Patterson announced. He is the administrator of the Twitter account

The twitter account is @NiagaraAnglican, so naturally, I clicked on “follow”, only to discover that I have already been blocked! I feel so excluded.


I would like to point out to Archdeacon Michael Patterson that  is he is welcome to follow me on twitter, @anglicansam. In fact, I look forward to it.

9 thoughts on “The Diocese of Niagara is Tweeting

  1. Perhaps the archdeacon is a blockhead. I recall many moons ago when I had the Vicar’s Attic that he had advertized a thurifer for sale at one of his closed churches. He was quite upset I linked the publically accessable inventory.

    • And not very clear on the inventory. If I was the thurifer I would be indignant that I was put up for disposal. But then again no one else caught it!

  2. Wouldn’t you be disappointed if they WEREN’T blocking you? After all, you’re clearly irritating them, so you must be doing something right…

  3. If the diocese of Niagara were to implode through lack of churchgoers, would the newspaper headlines read: Niagara Falls”?

  4. Hmm, some of the effluent from the ‘other four’ Great Lakes flows thru Niagara…. wonder what Huron thinks of the pollutants that seem to be rampant there?

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