The coming out of Vicky Beeching

Vicky Beeching is a Christian celebrity, singer, and more recently media commentator; she has just announced that she is a lesbian. What makes this interesting – and, since I am firmly convinced that celebrities’ opinions are rarely sensible, the only thing that does – is that for a number of months prior to her unburdening herself, Beeching has been promoting same sex marriage in her blog, giving Biblical references as reasons for her support of same sex marriage. She urges us to have good disagreements: I can see her becoming a mouthpiece for Justin – it’s all about relationship – Welby.

As it turns out, though, the more probable reason for her view is an entirely personal one: she is attracted to other women. As so often seems to be the case, the Biblical texts are being read in the light of subjectivity, in this case because the reader is herself gay or, in other instances, because someone close to the reader is.

From here:

“I’m gay,” she says, confirming what is written. She has never said this publicly before – a handful of people in her private life know. She has only just told one her closest friends, Katherine, and Katherine’s father, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The enormity of the political ramifications of this disclosure scarcely have a second to sink in – a theologian who spends holy days with the Archbishop, whose God-fearing lyrics are sung by millions in America’s Bible Belt, coming out as a lesbian – before I begin to reflect on the implications for her personally.

6 thoughts on “The coming out of Vicky Beeching

  1. She might well sing songs that are supposedly intended for praise but as long as in her heart she continues to accept the current “political correctness” view – a totally deceptive term in its own right – she cannot claim to be committed to our Lord and Saviour. Being associated with the ABC does not make her conduct acceptable in the eyes of our Lord. I pray for her repentance and also for some strong leadership from the ABC. If he is to fulfill his duty before the Lord he will have to part with the views of the civil government and firmly state the view of Scripture.

  2. Could someone please quote me book,chapter and verse where the Bible actually condemns women being in relationships with women. Romans 1:26 refers to women having “unnatural relations” which probably refers to anal sex with men.

    • Read Romans 1:26 in the context of Romans 1:27, especially considering the words “IN THE SAME WAY the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another”.

    • Romans 1:26 actually says:
      “26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:”

      The “vile affections” is any type of sexual activity outside of marriage. The “natural use” is the act of lovemaking between a wife and an husband. The “that which is against nature” is a sex act between two people of the same gender, such as two women.

      If you are reading anything other than The King James Version Holy Bible than you likely are not getting the accurate English of what God wrote.

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