The celebrity abortionist

Every day in the USA there are:

45 murders

3,500 abortions

134 deaths by traffic accident

1,200 deaths caused by smoking

13 deaths due to heroin overdose

And this year so far:
1 abortionist murdered.

Even though George Tiller’s murder was wrong, why is it getting all this attention? Rev. Katherine Ragsdale calls him a “saint and a martyr “, Katherine Jefferts-Schori allocates a moment of hand-wringing, Keith Olbermann says it is all Fox News’s fault.

What sort of society have we made for ourselves when the one murder of 2009 that garners such disproportionate attention from news media, pundits and churches is that of a man who made his living by killing babies. For all the cries of horror and outrage, Tiller’s murder was no worse than the 44 others that occurred on May 31, 2009.

8 thoughts on “The celebrity abortionist

  1. We have laws in this country. Dr. Tiller was a great man, helping women in the worst situations imaginable. Putting the needs of his patients above his own. He’s a hero. He will be missed.

  2. p of v

    Yes he will be missed. As one of only three doctors in the US who were prepared to “do” late term abortions, he amassed a stunning 60,000 abortions in his career. A business which he turned into a million dollar plus a year disassembly line.


  3. As a woman I don’t see how being pregnant is “one of the worst situations imaginable”. Birth control is very easily available and adoption is an option if the former fails. Terminal cancer, facing your child’s serious illness, the sudden death of a loved one etc – all of these are terrible situations but the impending birth of a child is hardly on the same level.

  4. I’m talking about late-term abortions, where the viability of the fetus or the health of the mother is in such a state that a woman who had previously made a decision to carry to term had to make an unimaginably difficult decision.

  5. Why not simply give birth? If the health of the mother is in danger, a c-section can be done and the baby put on life support. Do you have any idea how a late term abortion is actually done? You basically give birth, and the baby is killed when he or she is crowning. Why not just give birth and let the baby live?

  6. What sort of a world are we living in when a “womanpriest” can describe an abortionist as “a saint and a martyr”? Does she have any conception of what saints and martyrs do and endure?

  7. P of V – “I’m talking about late-term abortions, where the viability of the fetus or the health of the mother is in such a state that a woman who had previously made a decision to carry to term had to make an unimaginably difficult decision.”

    My wife and I had been brow beaten by a “high-risk” OB that claimed that the child she was carrying tested probable for the chromosome disorder T18 and that she should consider “ending” the pregnancy, we told him we would see it through.

    Next he claimed that the ultrasounds showed that the mucol thickness at the base of the skull was above normal and would indicate the probability of Downs Syndrome and that combined with other factors in the pregnancy made it likely that the child and mother would face severe complications and recommended not going through with the pregnancy, we went on and put our faith and fate in God.

    In the 39th week my wife gave birth to a perfect and wonderfully healthy boy, Thanks be Unto God. So as to this experience, I believe that a great number of abortions for “medical reasons” are due to alarmist doctors brow beating women into a procedure that is unnecessary and immoral. I wonder if these “clinics” that do these types of procedures would have the honesty to disclose or track how many of these terminated pregnancies, for “medical reasons” were actually necessary?

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