The Archbishop of Wales effuses over the “common faith journey” of Muslims and Christians

From here:

The Archbishop of Wales will praise the “open and honest” relationship that exists in Wales between Christians and Muslims in a lecture tomorrow (Tuesday Nov 22) to celebrate National Interfaith week.

Dr Barry Morgan will pay tribute to the Muslim Council of Wales, as well as the First Minister, for their commitment to promoting good relations between people of different faiths.

He will say, “I want to thank the Muslim Council of Wales and Saleem Kidwai, its Secretary General, in particular, for all he has done to foster good interfaith relationships in Wales over the last decade. Because of his commitment to our common Faith journey and because the fostering of good interfaith relationships has been high on the agenda of our own Welsh Government, I also want to thank the First Minister for continuing the sterling work of his predecessor Rhodri Morgan for this. Wales has not seen some of the problems encountered in other parts of the United Kingdom.

Christians should, of course, be on good terms with Muslims: it is very difficult to present Christ to someone with whom one is on bad terms.

Two things that can never be on good terms are Christianity and Islam because Christianity teaches that Jesus is God’s highest revelation of himself to man while Islam teaches he was merely a prophet. Both cannot be correct, so there is no “common Faith journey” in Islam and Christianity.

From an empirical perspective, almost every country that is predominantly Islamic persecutes Christians, often to the point of death and every country that is a part of what used to be known as Christendom tolerates Muslims, often to the point of self-effacement.

One thought on “The Archbishop of Wales effuses over the “common faith journey” of Muslims and Christians

  1. Your are correct that there is no “common faith” between Christians and muslims (nor any other non-christian for that matter). Our Faith is that Jesus Christ is God (see the Creed of Saint Athanasius if you have any doubt on this). Thus anyone who does not also believe that Jesus Christ is God done NOT have a common Faith with us! There being no common faith, these can NOT be a common faith journey.

    We should not be co-operating with muslims. We should be trying to convert them (along with ALL non-christians). Their eternal souls depend on it, for no-one goes to the Father but through Him.

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