The Anglican Journal barely contains its glee in reporting a Catholic favouring same-sex marriage

Apparently, it brings us one step closer to everyone being equal[ly daft].

In the Anglican Church of Canada, agreeing with a government when it wants to introduce same-sex marriage legislation and disagreeing with a government when it introduces spending cuts are both known as prophetic social justice making. A prophecy occurring after the fact would be risible for any institution that was less behind the times than the ACoC, of course: but what else can you expect from a church that consecrates a bishop to the dulcet prophetic tones of All You Need is 1960’s Love.

From here:

Brisbane, Australia – As Australia debates gay marriage, one Catholic member of Parliament, who is in favor, says his faith informs his thinking, but not necessarily his decision-making.

In taking this stance, Brisbane Labor MP Graham Perrett is opposing both his church and his party but said he believes “it is time for this nation to protect committed, monogamous relationships, whatever the gender of the adults who wish to have their relationship recognized by the state.”

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