The Anglican Church of Canada’s nuclear resolution

Is here:

A181: Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Subject: Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Moved by: The Rev. Canon Dr. William E. Prentice, Diocese of Ottawa

Seconded by: The Rev. Dr. Linda Privitera, Diocese of Ottawa

Be it resolved that this General Synod:

Expresses its support for a world free of nuclear weapons, and asks the General Secretary to convey our position to the Government of Canada, requesting:

  1. from the Government information about Canadian activities in the last three years to support nuclear disarmament, and
  2. from the Prime Minister a public affirmation of Canada’s commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons.

Source Partners in Mission and Ecojustice Committee

BREAKING NEWS: world leaders are hailing the call by Canadian Anglicans to get rid of nuclear weapons as an innovative and thoroughly brilliant way to avert the possibility of nuclear holocaust.

Vladimir Putin, slapping himself on the forehead, said, “How could we have missed this? Of course, we will start disarming right away”. Barack Obama didn’t even have to read from the teleprompter as he exclaimed, “After this, I myself am thinking of becoming an Anglican; we have already started shipping our nuclear arsenal to Canada for safe disposal.”

3 thoughts on “The Anglican Church of Canada’s nuclear resolution

  1. LOL!
    Perhaps instead of addressing issues that are a “no brainer” and wasting the time of General Synod, these two should be addressing the issue of how to end the “innovations” of the past 40 or 50 years, come back to God, and encourage true Anglicans to return to the pews.

  2. How many people have died as a result of wars ans bombs, compared with the number destroyed before their life began (yes, abortion)? I wouldn’t want to suggest that we should disrespect ALL pacifism, but much of it is simply a scam intended to get peoples’s minds off the real evils in our world (happening here and now, and which they COULD do something about) and onto ones that they can’t so easily influence, and which – like Iraq/Afghanistan – may have some reasonable arguments in favour of (and much smaller death rates). The ACoC should give its concern to destruction of life much nearer home (and the other Western churches also, of course).

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